Submissions from 2022
An Evaluation of Security in Blockchain-based Sharing of Student Records in Higher Education, Timothy Arndt, Angela Guercio, and Yonghun Chae
Addressing the Effectiveness of DDoS-Attack Detection Methods Based on the Clustering Method Using an Ensemble Method, Alireza Zeinalpour and Hassan A. Ahmed
Submissions from 2020
Blockchain-Based Transcripts for Mobile Higher-Education, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio
Submissions from 2019
Social media analytics: Extracting and visualizing Hilton hotel ratings and reviews from TripAdvisor, Yung-Chun Chang, Chih-Hao Ku, and Chun-Hung Chen
The Use of Crowdsourcing and Social Media in Accounting Research, Chih-Hao Ku and Miryam Firoozi
Submissions from 2018
Prototyping a personal learning environment, Timothy Arndt
Task-Representation Fit’s Impact on Cognitive Effort in the Context of Decision Timeliness and Accuracy: A Cognitive Fit Perspective, Dinko Bacic and Raymond M. Henry
Treatment of Acid Orange 74 Wastewater and Sugar Wastewater by Low Cost Adsorbents, S.S.V. Harsha Madiraju, Yung-Tse Hung, and Howard Paul
Chemical Waste and Allied Products 2018, Howard Paul
Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service Learning Course, Janine Spears
Submissions from 2017
Big Data and Software Engineering: Prospects For Mutual Enrichment, Timothy Arndt
Planning for Ubiquitous Learning in PLAN, Timothy Arndt
From Multimedia Micro-University to Macro University and beyond, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio
Application of Granular Computing Paradigm in Knowledge Induction, Iftikhar Sikder
Crowd Sourcing the Creation of Personae Non Gratae for Requirements-Phase Threat Modeling, Janine Spears
The Role of Social Capital in Selecting Interpersonal Information Sources, J Christopher Zimmer and Raymond M. Henry
Submissions from 2016
A Formalism For PLAN – A Big Data Personal Learning Assistant For University Students, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio
Student-Centered Analytics for Postsecondary Education, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio
The Impact Of Residual Risk And Resultant Problems On Information Systems Development Project Performance, Russel L. Purvis, Raymond M. Henry, Stefan Tams, Varun Grover, John D. McGregor, and Steve Davis
Submissions from 2015
Social Network Analysis Tools for Career Advancement, Timothy Arndt
Business Analytics: Transforming The Role Of Management Accountants, Kristine Brands and Mark A. Holtzblatt
Effect of Control on Information Systems Development Performance: A Meta-Analysis, Raymond M. Henry, Ravi Narayanswamy, and Russel L. Purvis
Submissions from 2014
Knowledge Needs Of Firms: The Know-X Framework For Marketing Strategy, Sreedhar Madhavaram, Andrew C. Gross, and Radha Appan
Application of Dominance-based Rough Set Theory for Knowledge Discovery in Cooperative Learning, Syed A. Raza and Iftikhar U. Sikder
Submissions from 2013
Improving Knowledge Coordination In Early Stages Of Software Development Using Gamification, David J. Marshburn and Raymond M. Henry
Submissions from 2012
The Impact of Analyst-Induced Misinformation on the Requirements Elicitation Process, Radha Appan and Glenn J. Browne
Organizing for Post-Implementation ERP, Kevin P. Gallagher and Vickie C. Gallagher
The Information Technology Workforce: A Comparision Of Critical Skills Of Clients And Service Providers, Stephen Hawk, Kate M. Kaiser, Tim Goles, and Christine V. Bullen
Submissions from 2011
Assessing Differences Between Physician's Realized And Anticipated Gains From Electronic Health Record Adoption, Lori T. Peterson, Eric W. Ford, John Eberhardt, and T. R. Huerta
Nonverbal Emotion Recognition and Performance: Differences Matter Differently, Susan F. Storrud-Barnes, William H. Bommer, and Byran J. Pesta
Submissions from 2010
A Language Designed for Programming I, Ben A. Blake
Buyer Perceptions of Supply Disruption Risk: A Behavioral View and Empirical Assessment, Scott C. Ellis, Raymond M. Henry, and Jeff Shockley
The Requisite Variety Of Skills For IT Professionals, Kevin P. Gallagher, Kate M. Kaiser, Judith C. Simon, and Cynthia M. Beath
The Potential Implications Of Web-Based Marketing Communications For Consumers' Implicit And Explicit Brand Attitudes: A Call For Research, Sreedhar Madhavaram and Radha Appan
Workplace Climate and Peer Support as Determinants of Training Transfer, Harry J. Martin
Building Applications for the Android OS Mobile Platform: A Primer and Course Materials, Victor Matos and Rebecca Grasser
Uncertainty, Risk, and Real Options: Who Wins, Who Loses?, Susan F. Storrud-Barnes and Richard Reed
Submissions from 2009
Long-Term Care Facilities Adoption Of Electronic Health Record Technology: A Qualitative Assessment Of Early Adopters' Experiences, Barbara Cherry, Eric W. Ford, and Lori T. Peterson
A Hybrid Data Mining/Simulation Approach For Modelling Outpatient No-Shows In Clinic Scheduling, K J. Glowacka, Raymond M. Henry, and Jerrold H. May
Creating Disciples: The Transformation of Employees Into Trainers, Mary W. Hrivnak and Harry J. Martin
E711 - A Public Emergency Wireless Phone System, Victor Matos and Ben Blake
Order Acceptance Using Genetic Algorithms, Walter O. Rom and Susan A. Slotnick
Systematic Performance Differences Across the Manufacturing-Service Continuum, Susan F. Storrud-Barnes and Richard Reed
Submissions from 2008
I Need to Have You Pick-Up a Body in Kalamazoo: Reforming Executive Outplacement, Harry J. Martin and Dannis F. Lekan
Pencils Down! Phones Up! An Interdisciplinary Capstone Project., Victor Matos, Rebecca Grasser, and Ben Blake
Determinants of the Use of Relational and Nonrelational Information Sources, J. Christopher Zimmer, Raymond M. Henry, and Brian S. Butler
Submissions from 2007
Contrast and Rater-Perspective Effects on Judgments of Sexual Harassment Severity: What He Thinks She Thinks, and Vice Versa, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Fix IT-Business Relationships Through Better Decision Rights, Varun Grover, Raymond M. Henry, and Jason B. Thatcher
Exploiting Organizational Knowledge In Developing IS Project Cost and Schedule Estimates: An Empirical Study, Raymond M. Henry, Gordon E. McCracy, Russell L. Purvis, and Tom L. Roberts
Incentive Alignment, Control, and the Issue of Misleading Financial Disclosures, Susan F. Storrud-Barnes, Willian J. Donoher, and Richard Reed
Antecedents to Relational and Nonrelational Source Use: An Exploratory Investigation, J. Christopher Zimmer and Raymond M. Henry
Submissions from 2005
Image Theory and the Appraisal of Employee Performance: To Screen or Not to Screen?, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 2002
Lmx and Subordinate Performance: The Moderating Effects of Task Characteristics, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 1996
Fines, Frames, and Images: Examining Formulation Effects on Punishment Decisions, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 1995
Image Compatibility and the Use of Problem Space Information in Resource-Allocation Decisions - Testing a Moderating Effects Model, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Image Theory - Testing the Role of Image Compatibility in Progress Decisions, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 1992
Affect, Risk, and Decision Criticality - Replication and Extension in a Business Setting, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Examining the Link Between Leader-Member Exchange and Subordinate Performance - The Role of Task Analyzability and Variety as Moderators, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Perceptions of an Innovative Climate - Examining the Role of Divisional Affiliation, Work Group-Interaction, and Leader Subordinate Exchange, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 1989
Framing the Problem and Making Decisions - the Facts Are Not Enough, Kenneth J. Dunegan
An Empirical Test of Staw and Ross Prescriptions for the Management of Escalation of Commitment Behavior in organizations, Kenneth J. Dunegan, S L. Barton, and D Duchon
Job-Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Relation to Work Performance and Turnover Intentions, Harry J. Martin and Lynn McFarlance Shore
Submissions from 1982
An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of Some Commonly Researched Individual Differences, Job, and Organizational Variables in Two Cultures, Harry J. Martin and Uma Sekaran