Cultural Encounter, Conflicts, and Resolutions | World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Journal | Cleveland State University


Editors: Antonio Medina-Rivera, Cleveland State University
  Lee Wilberschied, Cleveland State University

Cultural Encounters, Conflicts, and Resolutions: A Journal of Border Studies

The focus of this peer reviewed journal is borders studies as a discipline dedicated to examining encounters, conflicts and resolutions within national, political, social, cultural, religious, racial, and educational borders. It analyzes borders as physical, psychological and/or symbolic experiences that affect relationships and negotiations among people around the world. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature, it is unique in the field, and it creates a venue to attract scholars from the humanities and the social sciences.

Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1 (2020)


Cleveland State University commemorated the 400 years since 20 Africans were brought by ship to Virginia, in late August of 1619. The Project 400: Our Lived Experience conference took place from September 27-28, 2019 with the participation of many members of the community and presenters from different parts of the country. The first section of this volume includes an introduction by Guest Editor Ronnie A. Dunn and articles from three of the speakers who presented their work during the conference. Section two of this volume includes one article originally presented during our 8th Crossing Over Symposium from October 4-5, 2019.

We remain committed to bringing you scholarly work with an interdisciplinary perspective. The main focus of this journal continues to be the analysis of borderlands (physical and metaphorical)—the encounters, conflicts, and resolutions between different groups in our society. Due to Covid-19, we are still uncertain about the date for our 9th Crossing Over Symposium. In the meantime, we encourage submissions for the journal. We wish our colleagues and readers enduring good health.


Antonio Medina-Rivera and Lee Wilberschied



Antonio Medina-Rivera and Lee F. Wilberschied Ph.D.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents
Antonio Medina-Rivera and Lee F. Wilberschied Ph.D.



A Posthumanist Pragmatism: Rereading Tomboys
Aaron Martin, Spurthi Gubbala, Marissa J. Huth, Sarah M. Johnson, and Amanda Romaya