Crossing Over International Symposium | World Languages, Literature, and Cultures Conferences | Cleveland State University


The Crossing Over International Symposium focuses on border studies. It analyzes borders as a physical, psychological and symbolic experience that affects relationships and negotiations among people around the world. We welcome papers about encounters, conflicts and resolutions between cultures, countries, races, religions, genders, ideologies, languages, neighborhoods, generations, social classes, etc. We are interested in an interdisciplinary dialogue within the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

For more information about the Crossing Over International Symposium, please contact
Angela Bailey, Department Secretary, tel:216-687-4645
Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera, Associate Professor of Spanish, Director of Cultural Crossings
Cleveland State University Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

2023 Conference Canceled 9th Crossing Over Symposium, scheduled for October 6-7, 2023 at Cleveland State University has been canceled.

Browse the contents of Crossing Over International Symposium:

9th Crossing Over International Symposium