"In Search of the Wind-Band: An International Expedition" by Daniel Rager
In Search of the Wind-Band: An International Expedition


In Search of the Wind-Band: An International Expedition


Download Informational Flyer (593 KB)

Download Critical Acclaim (88 KB)

Download Chapter 1: Overture [sample reading] (295 KB)

Download Chapter 2: Intro into European History & Development [sample reading] (321 KB)

Download Chapter 3: Historical Homogeneous Wind-Bands [sample reading] (381 KB)

Download Chapter 4: American Wind Music [sample reading] (478 KB)

Download Chapter 5: Denmark Wind Music [sample reading] (344 KB)

Download Chapter 7: Industry Wind Bands [sample reading] (464 KB)

Download Chapter 9: Japanese Wind Music [sample reading] (453 KB)

Download Chapter 11: Native American Indian Wind Music [sample reading] (391 KB)

Download Chapter 12: Penitentiary Wind Music [sample reading] (503 KB)

Download Chapter 13: Russian Wind Music [sample reading] (524 KB)

Download Chapter 16: Argentina Wind Music [sample reading] (453 KB)


In Search of the Wind-Band: An International Expedition is a new 214 page book, exploring 16 countries.

The 21st century musician and wind-band have had a long winding road.

From rock & roll to jazz and classical music, this one-stop pedagogy source brings to life a detailed development of band history, its instrumentation, repertoire, function, social role, contest anomalies and industry products in all of its styles, genres and progeniture forms.

Sixteen countries are explored from Europe through North and South America, providing the largest concise history (past, present and future) of instrumental bands published to date. In addition, railroad, industrial, prison, community, police, school, hospital, blind and Native American Indian bands are explored. Much of the material including the countries of Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, and Russia is exclusive to this book and not published online or written about elsewhere.


1. Overture: What Constitutes a Wind Band? - 2. Introduction to European History and Development - 3. Historical Homogeneous Wind-Bands - 4. American Wind Music - 5. Denmark Wind Music - 6. Finnish Wind Music - 7. Industry Wind Bands - 8. Ireland Wind Music - 9. Japanese Wind Music - 10. Mexican Wind Music - 11. Native American Indian Wind Music - 12. Penitentiary Wind Music - 13. Russian Wind Music - 14. Spanish Wind Music - 15-19. South American Wind Music (Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru) - 20. Strawberry or Bubblegum - 21. 20th Century American Wind-Band Timeline

Sample readings of select chapters are available here.



Publication Date



Great Lakes Music


Chardon, Ohio


music, wind symphony, wind-band, band, international, multicultural, world music


Ethnomusicology | Music


Peruse sample readings of these select chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 16.

This is a great tool for instrumental directors, music appreciation, history or ethnomusicology courses at all levels of education. Music enthusiasts, musicians, libraries, conservatories and researchers will have a fun and intriguing experience exploring the world’s bands’ from by-gone eras to present day ensembles and beyond. Educators can assimilate this book into classroom lectures, adding to the curriculum, a compilation of histories not published before, rendering this book, the largest source of international wind-band pedagogy published to date. A chronological time-line of composers, repertoire and events from 1902 thru the 21st century is cataloged. Printed YouTube links enrich the reader’s experience, enabling them to watch exclusive ensembles perform in each chapter, bringing history to life. Available at: http://www.lulu.com/shop/dan-rager/in-search-of-the-wind-band/paperback/product-23124130.html For more information, or to purchase In Search of the Wind-Band, contact Daniel Rager at windbandhistory@gmail.com.

Wind-Band Music

12722 Bass Lake Road

Chardon, OH 44024


In Search of the Wind-Band: An International Expedition
