"Guide to Native Beasts" by Mary Quade
Guide to Native Beasts


Guide to Native Beasts


Mary Quade



Mary Quade’s poetry collection Guide to Native Beasts won the 2003 Cleveland State University Poetry Center First Book Prize. In 2001, her work was recognized with an Oregon Literary Fellowship. In 2006 and 2010, she received Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Awards for poetry, and in 2014, she received an OAC Individual Excellence Award for prose. Her poems have appeared in several anthologies, including On the Wing: American Poems of Air and Space Flight, ed. Karen Y. Olsen (University of Iowa); New Voices: Contemporary Poetry from the United States, ed. H.L. Hix (Irish Pages), which was published as part of the NEA’s International Literary Exchange Program; and the forthcoming Ley Lines, ed. H.L. Hix (Wilfrid Laurier University Press) and New Poems from the Midwest 2014, eds. Okla Elliot and Hannah Stephenson (New American Press). Her essays will appear in the anthologies From Curlers to Chainsaws: Women and Their Machines, eds. Joyce Dyer, Jennifer Cognard-Black, Elizabeth MacLeod Walls (Michigan State University Press) andWriting Essays: Twenty Essays and Interviews with Writers, eds. Jen Hirt and Erin Murphy (SUNY Press). She is an Associate Professor of English at Hiram College in Ohio, where she teaches creative writing.

“Mary Quade’s point of view is uniquely hers—linguistically inventive, edgily understated, poised and uncompromising. Nothing deflects her from rendering the relentless way we lurch forward, arms crossed, spreading damage like Edward Teller, wanting ‘a crater, some fallout to measure.’ Welcome to this new voice skillfully and mercifully calling us to account.” –Marilyn Krysl

“Though Mary Quade’s world in these quirkily meditative poems is populated with sundry native beasts—from bats and horses to a neon chicken that ‘squawks electric’—it becomes clear that the creature that most galvanizes her imagination is the human beast itself. Accordingly, she plumbs and explores (implicating herself in the doing) the various poignancies of our longings, as well as our ‘gloved’ fists and hidden ‘cold deeds’ our ‘blight of good intentions.’ The result is my favorite kind of book—attentive to the things of this world while remaining inherently philosophical.” –Stephen Dunn

More Information:

Mary Quade Website


Devil’s Lake

Swink Magazine



Publication Date



Cleveland State University Poetry Center





Guide to Native Beasts
