Rebecca Hazelton is the author of Fair Copy (The Ohio State University Press, 2012), winner of the 2011 The Ohio State University Press/The Journal Award in Poetry, and Vow, from Cleveland State University Poetry Center. She was the 2010-11 Jay C. and Ruth Halls Poetry Fellow at the University of Wisconsin, Madison Creative Writing Institute and winner of the “Discovery”/Boston Review 2012 Poetry Contest. Her poems have appeared in AGNI, The Southern Review, Boston Review, Best New Poets 2011, and Best American Poetry 2013. In 2014, she won a Pushcart.
“From one of the best young poets writing in America, the poems in Vow are brainy, half-feral, sad, and sensuous, and often all at once. How astonishing! Hazelton’s work seems lit from within what we call brilliant.” –Alan Michael Parker
“Rebecca Hazelton’s poetry is witty, uninhibited, and dense yet full of breath. To read her work is to take a ride on the carnival’s Scrambler, arms up all the way. These poems hint at a love triangle in which there are no winners. Vow is one of the best second collections I have read in a long time.” –Sandra Beasley
“The siren call of Rebecca Hazelton’s lush second collection, Vow, is impossible to resist: ‘Jukebox Jewel, princess cut / you were a libretto sung into the smut.’ The music and fearlessness of these poems, their swing from sexy burlesque decadence to heady emotional resonance, wooed me over and over again. Vow is an extended meditation via exquisite metaphor, sly humor, racy eroticism, and devastating elegy on the complicated nature of desire and domesticity. In these intense 21st century love poems, Hazleton presents us with a uniquely embodied poetics that refuses to separate pleasure from danger. Vow is as captivating as it is fierce.” –Erika Meitner
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Publication Date
Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Recommended Citation
Hazelton, Rebecca, "Vow" (2013). CSU Poetry Center Books. 8.