"EEC in United Nations: Voting Behaviour of 8 Countries, 1948-1973" by Leon Hurwitz


EEC in United Nations: Voting Behaviour of 8 Countries, 1948-1973

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Journal of Common Market Studies


The literature is not in total agreement, of course, that levels of consensus and integration are high enough to warrant the inclusion of more members. Several studies have in a quite systematic fashion demonstrated that, in specific dimensions, consensus and integration within the EEC are not appreciably higher today compared to ten or fifteen years ago. But there is a widespread general agreement within the literature that consensus and integration levels are increasing within the EEC and are of sufficient strength to risk the expected strains. The literature in this area is extensive, and space allows only a brief mention of the more important studies. Most of the literature can be placed into one of three general categories. The first is transaction flow analysis—integration at the societal or people level—and studies on the EEC have dealt with tourist traffic, labour flow, capital markets, 'foreign' students, information flow (mail, book translations), trade and other economic transactions, business collaboration, and cultural exchanges. The second category is integration at the attitudinal level, and several studies have dealt with public opinion and elite attitudes toward integration within the EEC. The third general category includes studies dealing with the formal and structural processes of integration with emphasis placed on intergovernmental contacts, state behaviour, and common participation in international organizations and institutions. This paper has three specific objectives following from the above remarks. The first objective is to continue some of the above cited literature and examine the amount or degree of the EEC's 'integration' in respect of a specific factor which previous research has not yet touched upon: namely, the factor which is here termed 'external cohesion' or a 'common foreign policy'. Integration is not only increasing the transaction of goods, services, and people or the sharing of common attitudinal maps.

Original Citation

Hurwitz, L. (1975). EEC in United Nations: Voting Behaviour of 8 Countries, 1948-1973. Journal Of Common Market Studies, 13(3), 224-243.






