"The Gerald E. Brookins Collection"
The Gerald E. Brookins Collection


The Gerald E. Brookins Collection



The Gerald E. Brookins Collection is the archive of his Trolleyville, U.S.A. (also known as the Gerald E. Brookins Museum of Electric Railways) streetcar operation in Olmsted Township, Ohio, and related materials on urban transportation history. Included are materials he had acquired, including the Morris Stone model streetcar collection and many photographs reported to be by transit historian Harry Christiansen. Read more about Trolleyville, U.S.A. from the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.

This collection was donated to Special Collections at the Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University by the Lake Shore Electric Railway Association, the successor to Trolleyville, and by Brookins' son, Gary Brookins, as a tribute to his mother and father.

Date Created



Cleveland Memory Project

What is Cleveland Memory?

The Cleveland Memory Project is a freely searchable online collection of digital photos, texts, oral histories, videos and other local history resources, built by the Michael Schwartz Library at the Cleveland State University in collaboration with a host of community partners around Northeast Ohio.

The Gerald E. Brookins Collection
