"The Glenville Shootout (July, 23, 1968)" by O. Lauren Felder
The Glenville Shootout (July, 23, 1968)


The Glenville Shootout (July, 23, 1968)

Additional Project Participants

Michael Schwartz Library staff


On the evening of July 23, 1968 violence erupted between police and a black militant group led by Fred (Ahmed) Evans within Cleveland's 6 square mile Glenville neighborhood. When order was finally restored three days later on July 28 by the National Guard, 7 people lay dead , 15 were wounded.

While the Glenville neighborhood was left torn apart by rioters, looters and arsonists, Cleveland was left torn apart by the ensuing controversy. Carl B. Stokes, the mayor of Cleveland at the time, would later write in his autobiography, Promises of Power, "The aftermath of that night was to haunt and color every aspect of my administration for the next three years."

Date Created



Cleveland Memory Project

What is Cleveland Memory?

The Cleveland Memory Project is a freely searchable online collection of digital photos, texts, oral histories, videos and other local history resources, built by the Michael Schwartz Library at the Cleveland State University in collaboration with a host of community partners around Northeast Ohio.

The Glenville Shootout (July, 23, 1968)
