"The Glory Days of the Cleveland Browns" by Matthew B. Long
The Glory Days of the Cleveland Browns


The Glory Days of the Cleveland Browns


Matthew B. Long


Over 200 photos from 1946-64, when the Cleveland Browns were one of the best teams in football. These are the years of Paul Brown, Otto Graham, and Jim Brown, when the Browns won eight league championships. Coach Paul Brown completely revolutionized the game of football. Otto Graham brought the Browns to ten straight championship games. And Jim Brown is considered by many to be the greatest football players to ever play the game.

Date Created



Cleveland Memory Project

What is Cleveland Memory?

The Cleveland Memory Project is a freely searchable online collection of digital photos, texts, oral histories, videos and other local history resources, built by the Michael Schwartz Library at the Cleveland State University in collaboration with a host of community partners around Northeast Ohio.

The Glory Days of the Cleveland Browns
