"Malcolm Cutting Interview, September 25 2006"


Malcolm Cutting grew up in Cleveland Heights and worked at the Cleveland architectural firm of Dalton-Van Dijk-Johnson before becoming the architect in residence at The Cleveland Clinic in 1972, overseeing the development and expansion of the hospital's campus. In this 2006 interview, Cutting discusses his work at the Clinic and the building projects he worked on, most notably the Crile Building. More generally, Cutting shares his memories of Euclid Avenue, describing its past prominence and current challenges. He also talks about some of the urban problems facing Cleveland and offers some solutions.

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Cutting, Malcolm (interviewee)


Gibans, Nina (interviewer); Yanoshik-Wing, Emma (participant)


American Institute of Architects



Document Type

Oral History


60 minutes


Transcription sponsored by Leonard & Betty Boesger

Nina Gibans [00:00:00] You are Malcolm Cutting, and I am Nina Gibans, and we're doing this interview on the 25th of September.

Malcolm Cutting [00:00:07] Yep.

Nina Gibans [00:00:09] So why don't we start with... Yes, your... Where you grew up.

Malcolm Cutting [00:00:15] Where I grew up. Well, I was born in Women's Hospital, which when I was at the Cleveland Clinic, I had torn down. [laughs] But they left me a brick, so I have a brick from the hospital. We lived in... As a kid, we lived here. I was... Personally, I had lots of allergies. And so I spent time at the Cleveland Clinic, and we ended up, not ended up, but we, when I was about five or six, we moved to Cleveland Heights, lived on Montford Road, 849 Montford, and my allergies were keeping me... That was a difficulty. And when Fay LeFevre came back from his graduate or doing his studies over in Europe, my mother found out. I think he and my mother were in the same class at Heights High, and she took me to see him. And he worked at that time with his father. His father was a radiologist and had an office in what was called the Pasadena Medical Building, which was on Euclid Avenue just east of 93rd Street. And so I finally got... Fay had me... And he sent me over to have tests made at the Clinic. I remember going to the Clinic and sitting in the old original Clinic building, which still exists, but it had been remodeled. And you would go in there and go up to the second floor. And on the second floor was a two-story or three-story atrium with glass ceiling, glass roof, which was beautiful. And I remember seeing the doctors walking around the edges, the balconies, and so I had all my tests made. And so Fay then had me come down for shots three times a week from Cleveland Heights, and I would get on the bus and go up Noble Road to Mayfield, take the streetcar from Mayfield down around on Coventry and then down Cedar Hill to Euclid and get off at Euclid Avenue at 93rd, go and see the doctor. Well, at that time, my grandmother and grandfather lived on Euclid Avenue in a house that was on the north side of Euclid just east of 93rd Street, and the house had been divided into small apartments and they had a rear apartment in there on the first floor. And behind it there was a parking, pretty decent-sized parking lot. And then behind on the end of that lot was a garage of some kind. What they did there, I can't remember. I don't know whether it was a maintenance or not. But anyway, I would go there and be with my grandparents, and then my father coming home from work would stop, pick me up, and take me home three days a week. So I got the...

Nina Gibans [00:04:42] That's a pretty good track record for Euclid Avenue visiting.

Malcolm Cutting [00:04:49] [laughs] And we were members of the Euclid Avenue Christian Church. Now, the Euclid Avenue christian Church is no longer named that anymore. It is now the East Mount Zion Baptist Church, and Euclid Avenue Christian Church moved out to Mayfield, and Dad did the design for that and... But that church was beautiful. Still is. I was... Visited several years ago and it looks the same. And we used to go from Cleveland Heights to church there every Sunday, and that was another thing that was constantly going down...

Nina Gibans [00:05:35] So that's four times a week.

Malcolm Cutting [00:05:37] Euclid Avenue.

Nina Gibans [00:05:39] In Cleveland Heights, again, you're... You're... You lived at...

Malcolm Cutting [00:05:44] We lived on Montford Road and we lived there through most of my, well from second grade through all of junior high. Then when we went... When I went into high school, my folks bought a home up on Glenwood, 3795 Glenwood Road, which is parallel to Mayfield, just a little north of Mayfield. And we lived there for a number of times, and I went off to college.

Nina Gibans [00:06:17] So you went to Heights?

Malcolm Cutting [00:06:19] I graduated high school from Heights.

Nina Gibans [00:06:21] And your elementary schools were...

Malcolm Cutting [00:06:24] Well, you know, first.... Interesting story. The first elementary school was... We lived on Canterbury. And I went to... Not Canterbury. We lived on Kingston Road. I went to Canterbury Elementary and my kindergarten teacher was Miss Bradford. Well, when Dad went to get his master's at Harvard, then we came back and we went to Montford, I went to the Oxford Elementary School, and my second grade teacher was Miss Bradford. And Miss Bradford was the identical twin of my kindergarten teacher.

Nina Gibans [00:07:14] Oh my.

Malcolm Cutting [00:07:14] Isn't that wild? That's, that's just so different. But... and I, like I was in Boy Scouts in that area.

Nina Gibans [00:07:24] And then your junior high was...

[00:07:28] Monticello.

Nina Gibans [00:07:30] Right. And so that fed into Heights at that time.

Malcolm Cutting [00:07:34] Yeah. Yeah. Still does, I think.

Nina Gibans [00:07:37] Okay. How did you get, even though we know that your father was an architect and you went down to the Clinic and he picked you up every time you were there, so you spent a lot of time with your architect father?

Malcolm Cutting [00:07:58] I did. I remember... One of the first things I remember, and I was pretty young, I'm guessing four or five years old. Dad worked for, oh, zip, I can't remember. Architect that had a building that is just now. It was on... I think it's on Carnegie. It's on Carnegie and it is going to be remodeled into condominiums. Oh, it's disappointing.

Nina Gibans [00:08:41] Carnegie at where?

Malcolm Cutting [00:08:42] Carnegie... Right... My guess is it's probably around the 1800s, around where 18th Street would go through. What was...

Emma Yanoshik-Wing [00:08:57] Was it the Walker and Weeks Building?

Malcolm Cutting [00:08:58] Walker and Weeks Building. Thank you.

Nina Gibans [00:09:01] The old...

Malcolm Cutting [00:09:03] The original Walker and Weeks Building.

Nina Gibans [00:09:05] Yes. And it, and it was the Art, Cooper Art?

Malcolm Cutting [00:09:11] I don't know. I only remember it as Walker and Weeks. But I'll tell you, it was very interesting because the main floor where all the drafting people were working and all the work was being done was the second floor to the top. The top floor was just a balcony overlooking everything down below. That was where Walker and Weeks had their offices so they could see what's happening. And all the floors below were people who would be included in the specifications for the different projects that they had. So if you want to be in the specs, and this is my theory, if you wanted to be in the specs, you'd better have an office in that building. And it was...

Nina Gibans [00:10:03] Interesting.

Malcolm Cutting [00:10:04] It was interesting. So anyway, then Dad went, after he went and got his master's degree, he came back and worked for Garfield's office, and I remember meeting Abram Garfield, who was a nonstop smoker, and I met Harris, Robinson and Schaefer and they called Harris Admiral Harris and he had no fear of heights. And one party they were having up there on the ninth floor of the office on Euclid and Sixth Street, he went out the window and right outside the window was a flat stone area that was part of the trim that went around the building. He walked all the way along Sixth Street and up, I mean, along Sixth and over onto Euclid and came in the other window. I mean, I mean, that's really amazing. [laughs]

Nina Gibans [00:11:17] Yes. Look, drunk or not drunk.

Malcolm Cutting [00:11:21] I won't say that. I don't know. I doubt that he was... He could not possibly have been drunk because...

Nina Gibans [00:11:28] Just wild.

Malcolm Cutting [00:11:30] He would have ended up on the street if he was.

Nina Gibans [00:11:33] Just, just, just outside the box. That's thinking outside the box, right?

Malcolm Cutting [00:11:38] So anyway, I wanted to be a doctor. I mean, I said that wrong, I wanted to be an architect. But my father was paying so many bills for me that he felt that I'd better become a doctor so that I wouldn't have any medical bills to pay. So he encouraged me. I mean, he forced me to go to school. And I did my pre-med work. I did two years at Reserve, got sick and with my asthma, and the doc told me to go down to Arizona. So I went to Arizona and I graduated in Arizona in pre-med. Well, I came back to work for Dad. My father had a very interesting firm at that time. He had a very large firm. He probably employed over 200 people with offices in Cleveland, New York, Paris, and London and on over in... oh, I...

Nina Gibans [00:12:51] So he had the international firm?

Malcolm Cutting [00:12:52] Yeah, in Germany. His main business was designing airbases for the American military all over the world. But I spent time with him one summer, and then I told him I still wanted to go into architecture. Well, I made a trip and went back to Arizona after touring around with a friend of mine. I looked there at the different colleges right in the area of where I could go and get in med school or architectural school. So Houston was kind of a center point for that. And so I went to Houston and worked a really crummy job there. And so my dad called me up one day. He says, you know, school is going to be starting pretty soon. Have you gotten enrolled anywhere? I said no I hadn't. So I went over to Rice—in those days it was called Rice Institute—and I applied for to go to school. And after it was all over with, I told the guy, I said, Well, I'm going to need a job. And I wondered if you could line me up with something. And the guy said, No, you're not accepted in school, but if you go down the hall here, go up the stairway, there's somebody that might be able to help you. I got a job answering the telephone at the River Oaks Country Club. A week later, I got accepted to Rice, which in those days was tuition-free. And so my job that I got paid for my room and board. And so I was in good shape. I had two interesting roommates. One was Man Wei Quay, who was from China, and he was in an area of China that was not a part of China then. I forget the name of it. And China came over and took it over. But he became a citizen here. And the other one was a Dieb Khoury who was Palestinian, and they owned... His family owned a lot of property in Palestine. And the Jewish people were coming in and taking over a lot of that property. So he had control over all the property while he was here. He married a gal, and they sold the property, and he didn't... He died many, many years ago. I met his wife recently. So, but it was interesting getting involved with people in different, different... You're right, cultural states. So anyway, I became an architect.

Nina Gibans [00:16:08] Right. And then you came back to Cleveland somehow.

Malcolm Cutting [00:16:11] Yeah. And I worked for Dad for a while. And I was in his office in Paris for a while. And actually, I headed it up in Paris, but that wasn't for very long. I came back and I would come back and I would leave him and go down to Texas and work. And when I'd get to Texas, I worked in the medical field. And so in the end, it was through all of the things I did my work in the medical field. And the last time I came up and was with Dad, when I left him I went with a firm here in Cleveland, and we started getting into the medical field for them. And then I went with a firm, before it was Peter Van Dijk's, it was...

Nina Gibans [00:17:13] Van Dijk Flynn? Schaeffer Flynn?

Malcolm Cutting [00:17:15] No, not that. It was after Schaeffer Flynn. But you know which one it was. That was that firm.

Nina Gibans [00:17:24] Yes, that firm all the way back has about twenty different names by the time we get to this generation.

Malcolm Cutting [00:17:32] I forget the guy's name I liked. Well, anyway.

Nina Gibans [00:17:38] Dalton Johnson?

Malcolm Cutting [00:17:39] Dalton... Dalton, Van Dijk, Johnson.

Nina Gibans [00:17:42] Okay.

Malcolm Cutting [00:17:42] Good for you! Anyway. And then the Clinic wanted me to come to work for them and twisted Dalton, Van Dijk, Johnson [to] let me go, and so I went to the Clinic and was there for about twenty years.

Nina Gibans [00:17:58] Right. So you oversaw the buildings from about what year to what year?

Malcolm Cutting [00:18:11] Let's see, I retired in 1996. 80... 83, 63. I was roughly 73.

Nina Gibans [00:18:38] Was it a period of great growth though?

Malcolm Cutting [00:18:40] It was twenty years. Yeah, it was a period. But I mean, it was great growth as compared to what was being done before.

Nina Gibans [00:18:48] Right.

Malcolm Cutting [00:18:48] But what's being done after I left has made with the things that we did...

Nina Gibans [00:18:52] Right.

Malcolm Cutting [00:18:53] Like it was infinitesimal.

Nina Gibans [00:18:55] Does your work go up to the building of the...

Malcolm Cutting [00:19:02] The Crile Building? I was involved the Crile Building.

Nina Gibans [00:19:07] And who did the Crile Building?

Malcolm Cutting [00:19:10] César Pelli.

Nina Gibans [00:19:11] That's who we were trying to think of before. César Pelli. Okay.

Malcolm Cutting [00:19:17] What was the...?

Nina Gibans [00:19:19] That's a nice building.

Malcolm Cutting [00:19:22] That building can have three more additions on it to the east.

Nina Gibans [00:19:28] Mm-hmm.

Malcolm Cutting [00:19:29] And it was designed for that purpose. And they really should be thinking seriously of doing that.

Nina Gibans [00:19:38] Okay. So the Clinic, of course, has grown in its importance in the city's health facility field. But having said that, your thoughts about the Euclid Avenue corridor is really what... There was a way they... [phone rings; recording paused]

Malcolm Cutting [00:20:00] Oh, Motorcars Honda?

Nina Gibans [00:20:01] Nevermind.

Emma Yanoshik-Wing [00:20:02] Okay.

Nina Gibans [00:20:03] Anyway, so both the Clinic and Euclid Avenue have changed a lot.

Malcolm Cutting [00:20:10] Oh, significantly.

Nina Gibans [00:20:12] Now, does a horse, you know, which drives which? Up where the Clinic is, as you know, there are some plans to even change the plan for Euclid Avenue now to make a pedestrian walkway and to connect the buildings of the Clinic and so forth. Okay. Please, you know, talk about your perception of Euclid Avenue, what you... Whatever you want to say.

Malcolm Cutting [00:20:45] Okay. I brought with me a book that was done by my father and Praeger Cutting and DeLeuw. And there are four schemes for a subway, one of which was principally along Euclid Avenue. And it didn't go very far out Euclid, went out to 14th Street, but there were three other schemes in here, and they crossed Euclid Avenue. And so I give you this book.

Nina Gibans [00:21:29] Okay. Thank you.

Malcolm Cutting [00:21:30] And then I have here the report by Albert S. Porter, and I stapled this together in the same way that it was in the original report. I copied the original. So you may have his report and then you can have this report, which...

Nina Gibans [00:21:53] Are these copies you want to give to us, or...?

Malcolm Cutting [00:21:56] You can have them both.

Nina Gibans [00:21:57] Wonderful, because the archives certainly will... Yeah.

Malcolm Cutting [00:22:03] And then this is a comment to one of the commissioners. That has to do with the beginning of a possible subway on Euclid Avenue, at least if it wasn't the one... the scheme for going all the way up, it was having some stop, a stop on Euclid. My father told me that what happened was that the owner of Higbee's did not want this, and because he felt that Halle's would be the beneficiary of the subway and therefore he made all the political pressure he could to stop it and succeeded.

Nina Gibans [00:23:00] This is Herb Strawbridge? Or before Herb?

Malcolm Cutting [00:23:03] I think was before Strawbridge. I'm not positive, but it was a long time ago.

Nina Gibans [00:23:08] Right. This is 1955, '55, '57, these papers.

Malcolm Cutting [00:23:13] Yeah.

Nina Gibans [00:23:15] So how do you feel about the subway not having been done then and with our plan now?

Malcolm Cutting [00:23:19] Well, I think... I think in all honesty, that had a subway been done that, and had it been extended up to University Circle, that life along Euclid Avenue would have been better. I mean, I think businesses would have been interested in things along Euclid. And of course, Euclid, as you mentioned, there were some beautiful houses you didn't want to take down and things like that. But still, there was space for businesses and whatnot along Euclid, and it would have eliminated the streetcar, which I didn't think was all that pretty going down Euclid in those days, and I think would have been a major asset to the city.

Nina Gibans [00:24:19] All right. So we didn't do that.

Malcolm Cutting [00:24:21] No.

Nina Gibans [00:24:23] So today we're trying to restore our main street. What do you think of the plan and what are some of the things along the way that you treasure maybe from an architectural point of view?

Malcolm Cutting [00:24:40] Well, I think that there are some, there are some old homes along there that would be still great if we could save them, and some of the remodeling that have been made on some of them... I know I don't travel down Euclid that much, but some of them I know are just not that great, in my humble opinion. The... I just think Euclid Avenue was so important in the old days. And, you know, even me, when I was at the Clinic, we tore down a church before I was employed there, but I was with Dalton Van Dijk, and that was where the garage was to go and would be right across the street from where my grandmother and grandfather used to live and right on the site of the medical building that I used to go to to see Dr. LeFebvre. Then we went to, where do I want to say? I'm getting off the track here... Well, it was the old church building, the old Christian, Euclid Avenue Christian Church building that I used to attend as a kid, as I said, I visited it a couple of years ago. It's still very nice. It's one of my favorite buildings. It really is. And then, that was... That's at 105th-Euclid. On the south and east side of 93rd and Euclid was a church that I had torn down when we finished that parking garage that now has been torn down, you know, things are changing and changing and changing, so...

Nina Gibans [00:27:08] Are we talking about the corners near the Health Museum?

Malcolm Cutting [00:27:14] No, the ones that I'm thinking about are the ones right near the Clinic.

Nina Gibans [00:27:18] Okay. For the new Clinic?

Malcolm Cutting [00:27:20] Yeah. Yep. My grandmother and grandfather lived on this site that the Guest House hotel is on now. [laughs] I had to get some paperwork out, look to see if I was right about that.

Nina Gibans [00:27:34] And when did your... When did your family house get torn down?

Malcolm Cutting [00:27:41] That... I have no idea. I think it's been a long time ago because with all the time I have spent at the Clinic, that was never there.

Emma Yanoshik-Wing [00:27:51] Was that an old, one of the old mansions that had been subdivided or was it something more recent?

Malcolm Cutting [00:27:57] Well, I think it was an old mansion, all right, because I think they were subdivided into four suites, two on the second floor and two on the first floor. So I... Maybe I shouldn't call it a mansion. It just was a big house because some of the mansions down there, they're much bigger than that. They're...

Nina Gibans [00:28:24] Would the other people in the house, do you know who they were?

Malcolm Cutting [00:28:27] I didn't know any of 'em.

Nina Gibans [00:28:28] Because sometimes the people who acted at the Play House talked about living in those houses.

Malcolm Cutting [00:28:36] Well, I'll be darned. That does not... That's interesting.

Nina Gibans [00:28:43] Okay, so about lower Euclid Avenue, where the stores are, where Higbee's is, where your subway was supposed to start, talk a little bit about Public Square and the buildings that you think are good buildings or...

Malcolm Cutting [00:29:05] Well, I think every single thing that's on the Square ought to be kept. And one thing that worries me a lot is some of the acid rain things that are decaying some of the stonework. That bothers me. But the Public Square, I like. The idea of having it as a... eliminating the traffic through there and having it as a park is interesting. I think it would be difficult to do, although you might be able to have it as a circle for circulation and have the interior part saved. But I think there's a lot of that. Well, there's a World War One memorial that's there.

Nina Gibans [00:30:02] The War Memorial is Civil War.

Malcolm Cutting [00:30:04] Civil War memorial. it's a very attractive thing, I think... [crosstalk]

Nina Gibans [00:30:11] You mean the Soldiers and Sailors Monument?

Malcolm Cutting [00:30:13] Yeah, I think that's the one.

Nina Gibans [00:30:14] Earlier than... It was the last century.

Malcolm Cutting [00:30:19] Yeah. Well, those things are precious, I think, and I hope that I don't think I hope to keep them.

Nina Gibans [00:30:33] Are there other buildings that you think are really fine?

Malcolm Cutting [00:30:40] The... As far as the office buildings downtown, well, Terminal Tower building for sure. But as far as some of the office buildings that... I don't have a great feeling that they should be kept or not kept. It's up to, it's up to analysis of the building, etc., as long as the architecture when they rebuild looks good. The thing that I like is some of the old residences that are... There's not many anymore, I don't think, but there are two or three I think that, and I don't know the names of them at all, but it would be nice if they could keep them.

Nina Gibans [00:31:24] What about the development of Playhouse Square?

Malcolm Cutting [00:31:31] No, I'm not... I'm not up to date on everything happening at Playhouse...

Nina Gibans [00:31:35] Oh, the three theaters and the complex being the largest and most...

Malcolm Cutting [00:31:42] I think that's great. Oh, that used to be the old Sears Roebuck area too, along Carnegie.

Nina Gibans [00:31:50] Right.

Malcolm Cutting [00:31:50] Am I right?

Nina Gibans [00:31:51] No, this is way down at 17th. and...

Malcolm Cutting [00:31:54] Oh.

Nina Gibans [00:31:54] Playhouse Square.

Malcolm Cutting [00:31:56] Okay, I'm...

Nina Gibans [00:31:56] You're talking about the Play House.

Malcolm Cutting [00:31:58] I'm thinking about the Play House. Yeah, I think, you know, that's kind of sad in the fact that people don't go to the movies there anymore, I don't think. Some of them do. But it's not like, you know, that used to be where we used to go to see the best films and and things. I haven't been to a play down there in a long time, and we go to plays out in Chagrin Falls and once in a while we go to a play at the Play House. But I don't know if I said that right. But going downtown, we just don't do it. And we don't... We don't go downtown.

Nina Gibans [00:32:45] But when you were a kid, did you do that?

Malcolm Cutting [00:32:47] When we... When we were a kid and we were going on treats and nice things, birthday parties and things like that once in a while we'd go downtown. The thing that I remember, too, some of those shopping stores down there were fabulous. And I can't bring up the names of 'em. My mind just doesn't function that well. But there were some wonderful stores. I mean, you could go walking around down there and go into one and see things that you liked and everything, and then you'd go into another and it was totally different, and they were great.

Nina Gibans [00:33:26] Are you talking about Halle's and Higbee's or the smaller stores?

Malcolm Cutting [00:33:29] Well, Halle's and Higbee's, yes, but I'm thinking mostly of some of the smaller stores that were... And my great aunt had a candy factory up in... Called HMD Candies. The candy factory was on Chester just east of 55th Street, and the train went across there and she was in a building on the north side, and they made candy and she had a store down on Euclid Avenue in, you know where the Stouffer's building used to be?

Nina Gibans [00:34:10] Mm-hmm.

Malcolm Cutting [00:34:10] I think it was right next to Stouffer's. I forget the name of that building. It's still there. And I walked the other day, oh, a couple of months ago, and the little place where she had her candy shop is still there. But obviously it's not still...

Nina Gibans [00:34:27] Do you mean the Bulkley Building or the...

Malcolm Cutting [00:34:30] Buckley Building.

Nina Gibans [00:34:33] That had little stores.

Malcolm Cutting [00:34:34] I think that was the Buckley Building. I think you're right. And she sold... She sold candies. And I remember watching them make the candies and they'd dip 'em in chocolate and do little designs on the top. And the design that they did told them what was inside, so they always knew what was [inaudible].

Nina Gibans [00:34:53] Oh.

Malcolm Cutting [00:34:53] She had another store at Fairmount and Cedar that she sold candies at, and that store's still there, too, but not her candy, I mean, they don't... She's been out of the candy business for...

Nina Gibans [00:35:10] You mean Damon's?

Malcolm Cutting [00:35:12] No, no.

Nina Gibans [00:35:13] No. Because they sold candy.

Malcolm Cutting [00:35:15] Yeah, no, this was HMD Candies and, you know, they haven't been in business probably for 60 years, 50, 60 years.

Nina Gibans [00:35:28] Okay. Damon's Candy was at Fairmount and Cedar.

Malcolm Cutting [00:35:31] Yeah.

Nina Gibans [00:35:31] And they also had a subsidiary at about 55th and Euclid.

Malcolm Cutting [00:35:41] It's interesting. I wonder if Damon's, if Damon's took over my aunt's candy business.

Nina Gibans [00:35:47] Well, when you said the north side of the street, this was the south side. I know we used to pick up things [crosstalk] that were for parties.

Malcolm Cutting [00:35:56] Well, I'll be darned.

Nina Gibans [00:36:01] Those are good memories. The men don't mention the windows at the department stores as much and the Christmas tree.

Malcolm Cutting [00:36:13] Oh, remember that one? All of that one place had a Christmas tree that was five stories high.

Nina Gibans [00:36:20] Sterling Welch.

Malcolm Cutting [00:36:20] Sterling Welch, that's it. Oh, my God. And tthe other thing was the... What did they call them? The arcades.

[00:36:34] The old Arcade?

Malcolm Cutting [00:36:35] The old Arcade.

Nina Gibans [00:36:36] What about the old Arcade?

Malcolm Cutting [00:36:37] Well, it's just... I remember it. I don't remember a lot of the detail in it, but, well, I remember the balcony around and walking through from Euclid, you could walk all the way through to Chester and I think you still can. But now it's part of a hotel, isn't it? It's something like that.

Nina Gibans [00:36:55] But they restored it beautifully.

Malcolm Cutting [00:36:57] Did they?

Nina Gibans [00:36:57] Yes.

Malcolm Cutting [00:36:58] Oh, I'm glad to hear that. And it seemed to me that there was another arcade down there.

Nina Gibans [00:37:02] Colonial?

Malcolm Cutting [00:37:04] Maybe it was.

Nina Gibans [00:37:04] Colonial, on the other side of the street.

Malcolm Cutting [00:37:06] Yep. Yeah. Those were also great, nice shops on the either side, even little restaurants around and, well, nice memories.

Nina Gibans [00:37:19] Nobody's mentioned the dime store.

Malcolm Cutting [00:37:22] I don't...

Nina Gibans [00:37:23] The five and dime.

Malcolm Cutting [00:37:24] Five and dime. Yep. Yeah, I remember the five and dime, but...

Nina Gibans [00:37:30] Because they had a counter for eating. I don't remember eating there, but they had a counter.

Malcolm Cutting [00:37:34] Yeah, five and dime. That's right.

Nina Gibans [00:37:36] And then Clark's restaurant?

Malcolm Cutting [00:37:40] Okay, I don't remember that.

Nina Gibans [00:37:41] No? Stouffer's?


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