EngagedScholarship@CSU - Digital CSU: Digital Expo for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Event Title

Digital Expo for Faculty, Staff, and Students


CSU Michael Schwartz Library, 1st floor (located in Rhodes Tower)

Start Date

26-9-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

26-9-2019 1:00 PM


Faculty and staff – Are you interested in trying out new technology in the classroom? Do you use digital methods in your research?

Students – Do you enjoy getting to use digital technology in your learning? Are you excited about learning new creative and digital skills?

You should drop in during Digital CSU’sDigital Expo on Thursday, September 26 from 11am-1pm, on the 1st floor of the Michael Schwartz Library. Come check out cool technology and software exhibited by passionate members of the CSU campus community, including virtual reality, citation tools, digital light boards, GIS mapping, and more!

Registration is encouraged!

Enjoy a free snack, chat with exhibitors, and try out some new gadgets, apps, and software!

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Sep 26th, 11:00 AM Sep 26th, 1:00 PM

Digital Expo for Faculty, Staff, and Students

CSU Michael Schwartz Library, 1st floor (located in Rhodes Tower)

Faculty and staff – Are you interested in trying out new technology in the classroom? Do you use digital methods in your research?

Students – Do you enjoy getting to use digital technology in your learning? Are you excited about learning new creative and digital skills?

You should drop in during Digital CSU’sDigital Expo on Thursday, September 26 from 11am-1pm, on the 1st floor of the Michael Schwartz Library. Come check out cool technology and software exhibited by passionate members of the CSU campus community, including virtual reality, citation tools, digital light boards, GIS mapping, and more!

Registration is encouraged!

Enjoy a free snack, chat with exhibitors, and try out some new gadgets, apps, and software!