EngagedScholarship@CSU - Digital CSU: Digital CSU Student Showcase

Event Title

Digital CSU Student Showcase


Student Center Atrium

Start Date

18-11-2021 10:00 AM

End Date

18-11-2021 12:00 PM


Digital CSU is happy to announce the Digital CSU Student Showcase in partnership with the Michael Schwartz Library!

The Showcase will take place in the Student Center Atrium on Thursday, November 18 from 10am-12pm.

The showcase is an opportunity for students to present finished or in-progress digital research projects created for their courses in a poster session style event to their faculty, staff, and their peers. Digital or multimodal research projects can take many forms, but they include: websites, video presentations, ebooks, infographics or other data visualization projects, lesson plans, maps, timelines, podcasts, research articles, or other digital compositions and multimedia work.

Student participants must register for the event through this form: https://tinyurl.com/ps9e4hkc. They must also be prepared to share their texts digitally, which requires that each participant brings the necessary equipment (e.g. laptop, power cords, headphones, speakers, etc.). Participants are encouraged to provide supplemental materials such as handouts about their design process, research methods, or other relevant documents; however, this is not required.

Questions? Please contact Ben Richards at b.c.richards@csuohio.edu

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Nov 18th, 10:00 AM Nov 18th, 12:00 PM

Digital CSU Student Showcase

Student Center Atrium

Digital CSU is happy to announce the Digital CSU Student Showcase in partnership with the Michael Schwartz Library!

The Showcase will take place in the Student Center Atrium on Thursday, November 18 from 10am-12pm.

The showcase is an opportunity for students to present finished or in-progress digital research projects created for their courses in a poster session style event to their faculty, staff, and their peers. Digital or multimodal research projects can take many forms, but they include: websites, video presentations, ebooks, infographics or other data visualization projects, lesson plans, maps, timelines, podcasts, research articles, or other digital compositions and multimedia work.

Student participants must register for the event through this form: https://tinyurl.com/ps9e4hkc. They must also be prepared to share their texts digitally, which requires that each participant brings the necessary equipment (e.g. laptop, power cords, headphones, speakers, etc.). Participants are encouraged to provide supplemental materials such as handouts about their design process, research methods, or other relevant documents; however, this is not required.

Questions? Please contact Ben Richards at b.c.richards@csuohio.edu