150 Years of Euclid Avenue's Greatness
Date Range
January 21 through Feburary 27, 2016
Richard Klein
This photograph taken in 1908 shows the only remaining residence at the Huron Road & Euclid Avenue intersection. Once a popular dressmaker’s shop, this Second Empire style house with its elegant elongated rounded windows; prominent bay window projection and fanciful Mansard roof with both roof dormers and cresting appears very dated when viewed against the new commercial blocks developing further down the street. This block would soon include the new Halle Brothers Department Store at 1228 Euclid Avenue. A nationally-renowned architect named Henry Bacon (1866-1924) designed this top-of-the-line department store in 1911. Bacon would later design the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Exhibition Title
150 Years of Euclid Avenue's Greatness