The Heritage Guide to the Constitution
David F. Forte, Edwin Meese, and Matthew Spalding
2005Analyzes each line of the American federal government's written set of principles and precedents, interpreting the original intent of each clause of the Constitution.
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Federal Income Tax: Doctrine, Structure, and Policy, 3rd Edition
Deborah A. Geier; Joseph M. Dodge; and J. Clifton Fleming, Jr.
2004In this well-rounded and student-friendly casebook, theory and policy discussions are threaded throughout the text material, which provides the basis for dealing with the problems and questions that now appear at the end of the section or subsection to... (view more)
Searches, Seizures and Drug Testing Procedures: Balancing Rights and School Safety, 1st Edition
Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo
2004 -
Special Education Law: Cases and Materials, 1st Edition
Ralph D. Mawdsley, Mark C. Weber, and Sarah Redfield
2004Educating students with disabilities : core legal concepts -- Eligibility and evaluation -- Residency -- Free, appropriate public education (FAPE) -- Individualized education program -- The least restrictive environment -- Related services -- Due process hearings -- Student discipline... (view more)
Searches, Seizures and Drug Testing Procedures: Balancing Rights and School Safety, 2nd ed.
Ralph Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo
2004This authoritative resource examines reasonable student and employee searches and seizures — along with proper drug-testing protocol. Practical recommendations and working guidelines provide essential benchmarks for balancing student and employee privacy rights with school safety — to help you:
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The Ohio State Constitution: A Reference Guide
Steven H. Steinglass and Gino Scarselli
2004In 2003 Ohio celebrated its bicentennial, but most of the state's residents are unaware of the rich history and text of the state's constitution. From its precursor, the Northwest Ordinance, through three successful constitutional conventions and more than 200... (view more)
Judaic Law: Source Material and Commentary
Stephen J. Werber
2004Sources materials on and commentaries about Judaic (Jewish) law.
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The Blues of a Revolution: The Damaging Impacts of Shrimp Farming
David R. Barnhizer and Isabel de la Torre
2003Case studies from around the world dealing with the damaging social and environment impacts of shrimp aquaculture.
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Katz Giannelli Criminal Law
Phyllis L. Crocker, Lewis R. Katz, Paul C. Giannelli, and Judith P. Lipton
2003Multivolume treatise on Ohio Criminal Law.
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California Secured Transactions Under Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code: Forms and Practice Manual
Mark J. Sundahl, George P. Haley, Robert J. Spjut, and Thomas Klaus Gump
2003Everything the practicioner needs for UCC Article 9 Secured Transactions in California. Forms are included.
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Constitutional Law: Doctrines, Strategy and Other Themes
Arthur R. Landever
2002A Constitutional Law casebook covering ten themes: separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, federalism, constitutional rights, doctrines, constitutional interpretation, cultural perceptions, strategy and moral and ethical constraints.
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Education Law
Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo
2002Whether you are involved in a labor arbitration or trying to determine whether a student's body piercing is a form of expression protected by the First Amendment, Education Law will help you meet your responsibilities effectively.
Both a textbook... (view more)
The Imperial Republic: A Structural History of American Constitutionalism from the Colonial Era to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
James G. Wilson
2002The Imperial Republic addresses the enduring relationship that the American constitution has with the concept of "empire". Early activists frequently used the word to describe the nation they wished to create through revolution and later reform. The book examines... (view more)
Effective Strategies For Protecting Human Rights: Economic Sanctions, Use of National Courts and International Fora and Coercive Power
David R. Barnhizer
2001This text brings together the experiences of a diverse range of leading human rights advocates and activists to demonstrate strategies for protecting human rights. The book identifies strategic problems and approaches and offers a range of strategies for sanctioning... (view more)
Effective Strategies For Protecting Human Rights: Prevention and Intervention, Trade, and Education
David R. Barnhizer
2001The second volume of Effective Strategies for Protecting Human Rights concentrates on strategies for increasing our ability to monitor and investigate, and to force human rights concerns into the rules of the trading regime that is trumping humanistic concerns.... (view more)
Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technology, Parental Choices, and Children's Futures
Dena S. Davis
2001What limits the genetic choices parents make for their children? Is it okay to select the sex of our children, or for deaf parents to select deaf children? In this second edition of Genetic Dilemmas, Davis argues that parental... (view more)
Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell
Michael H. Davis and Arthur R. Miller
2000It has been said, with respect to tort law that anyone can recognize a punch in the nose. Unlike a punch in the nose, "Patents and copyrights approach, nearer than any other class of cases belonging to forensic discussion... (view more)
Studies in Islamic Law: Classical and Contemporary Application
David F. Forte
1999Professor Forte (of the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law) is an acknowledged scholar in Islamic law. In this new work the author compares, contrasts and discusses civil and criminal law as well as issues of modernization in Shar'ia applications, law... (view more)
Federal Income Tax: Doctrine, Structure and Policy
Deborah A. Geier; Joseph M. Dodge; and J. Clifton Fleming, Jr.
1999Casebook with teacher's manual
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Medicating Schizophrenia: A History
Sheldon Gelman
1999Sheldon Gelman looks at the manner in which psychiatrists have evaluated, interpreted, and prescribed antipsychotic drugs since their inception from the 1950s to the present. Gelman argues that hospitals were being emptied not because patients were "cured", but rather... (view more)
Rebuilding Urban Neighborhoods
W Dennis Keating
1999Twelve contributions examine some of the most troubled neighborhoods in American cities today, including Atlanta's Peoplestown; Camden, New Jersey; Detroit's inner city; and New York City's Red Hook neighborhood. Contributors, primarily professors in the field of urban planning, review... (view more)
Constitutional Law, A Legal Methods Approach
Arthur R. Landever
1999Casebook supplement. At Present, Keyed to Gunther and Sullivan's Constitutional Law, 13th Edition.
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Torts and Tort Reform: Cases and Comments on State and Federal Constitutional Law
Stephen J. Werber and Robert F. Williams
1999 -
The Mongolian Action Programme for the 21st Century: Executive Summary and Strategic Analysis
David R. Barnhizer
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