Anderson's the Law of Professional Conduct in Ohio
Susan J. Becker, Lloyd B. Snyder, and Jack A. Guttenberg
2012On February 1, 2007, the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct replaced the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility, a set of standards that had been in place since 1970. To reflect the new rules, Anderson's The Law of Professional Responsibility... (view more)
Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell
Michael Henry Davis and Arthur R. Miller
2012Authors Michael Davis and famed Harvard professor Arthur Miller provide authoritative coverage on the foundations of patent protection, patentability, and the patenting process. Presents the fundamentals of trademarks and copyright laws. Text further addresses torts and property, antitrust and... (view more)
Papa's Baby: Paternity and Artificial Insemination
Browne C. Lewis
2012When a child is conceived from sexual intercourse between a married, heterosexual couple, the child has a legal father and mother. Whatever may happen thereafter, the child’s parents are legally bound to provide for their child, and if they... (view more)
Legal Problems of Religious and Private Schools. Sixth Edition.
Ralph D. Mawdsley
2012The Sixth Edition of this book, first published 30 years ago by Dr. Mawdsley, updates legal issues facing religious and private organizations. Leaders in these organizations will find this book helpful in taking preventative measures to keep their schools... (view more)
Federal Land Use Law and Litigation
Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, and Daniel R. Mandelker
2012Recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, particularly its rulings on eminent domain and takings, require real estate and land use attorneys to have a thorough understanding of applicable federal law. Local governments must now take into account rights... (view more)
Housing and Community Development: Cases and Materials
W Dennis Keating
2011The fourth edition of Housing and Community Development presents a fresh and comprehensive look at housing law and policy with full coverage of the foreclosure crisis and its aftermath, exploring housing policies and neighborhood revitalization policies to address the... (view more)
Guide to Legal Writing Style
Karin Mika and Terri LeClercq
2011Ancillary text for legal writers focused on the nuances of legal writing style.
- Reviewing the Basics
- Organizing with Style
- Creating Sentences with Style
- Choosing Words with Style
- Punctuating with Style
- Formatting for a Visual Society
A New Working Bibliography of Ancient Greek Law
Mark J. Sundahl, Ēlias Arnautoglu, and David C. Mirhady
2011The book contains a comprehensive bibliography of scholarship on ancient Greek law during the archaic and classical periods from the 7th to the 4th century B.C. The purpose of the project was to bring together, in one place, the... (view more)
New Perspectives on Space Law Proceedings of the 53rd IISL Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Young Scholars Sessions
Mark J. Sundahl and V. Gopalakrishnan
2011Contains the papers of the participants in the Young Scholars Session of the 53rd Annual Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space held in 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic, edited by Mark J. Sundahl and V. Gopalakrishnan. Papers include:
... (view more) -
Anderson's The Law of Professional Conduct in Ohio
Susan J. Becker, Jack A. Guttenberg, and Lloyd B. Snyder
2010On February 1, 2007, the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct replaced the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility, a set of standards that had been in place since 1970. To reflect the new rules, Anderson's The Law of Professional Responsibility... (view more)
Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technology, Parental Choices, and Children's Futures
Dena S. Davis
2010What limits the genetic choices parents make for their children? Is it okay to select the sex of our children, or for deaf parents to select deaf children? In this second edition of Genetic Dilemmas, Davis argues that parental... (view more)
The Inheritance Rights of Children in the United States: Cases and Materials
Browne C. Lewis
2010Nadya Suleman conceived fourteen children using artificial insemination. Michael Jackson and Clay Aiken became fathers using surrogates. These and other high profile cases have shined the spotlight on the need to ensure that children have adults who are financially... (view more)
Special Education Law : Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition
Ralph D. Mawdsley, Mark C. Weber, and Sarah Redfield
2010Educating students with disabilities : core legal concepts -- Eligibility and evaluation -- Residency -- Free, appropriate public education (FAPE) -- Individualized education program -- The least restrictive environment -- Related services -- Due process hearings -- Student discipline... (view more)
Advanced Legal Research: A Context and Practice Textbook
Kristina L. Niedringhaus
2010This innovative textbook is designed to focus student learning on the process of legal research in addition to the best use of specific resources. Students are encouraged to think analytically about how they approach research and are presented with... (view more)
Hypocrisy and Myth: The Hidden Order of the Rule of Law
David R. Barnhizer and Daniel D. Barnhizer
2009The Rule of Law is neither a scientific nor a particularly rational invention, but an unfolding performance that has been "playing" in America for several hundred years, albeit with some very serious abuses and blind spots. Hypocrisy & Myth... (view more)
Katz Giannelli Criminal Law
Phyllis L. Crocker, Lewis R. Katz, Judith P. Lipton, and John Martin
2009The authors have integrated the Rules of Criminal Procedure with revised code provisions, common-law precedent, and recent case law from Ohio, other states, and the federal system. Expert commentary is enhanced with convenient cross-references to all major related treatises.... (view more)
Strategies and Techniques of Law School Teaching: A Primer for New (and Not So New) Professors
Kevin F. O'Neill and Howard Katz
2009Strategies and Techniques of Law School Teaching is intended to help you, as a new law teacher, prepare for your first semesters in the classroom. It begins at the preliminary stages of planning a new course and takes you... (view more)
Searches, Seizures and Drug Testing Procedures: Balancing Rights and School Safety, Second Edition
Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo
2008This authoritative resource examines reasonable student and employee searches and seizures — along with proper drug-testing protocol. Practical recommendations and working guidelines provide essential benchmarks for balancing student and employee privacy rights with school safety — to help you:... (view more)
Anderson's Ohio Law of Professional Conduct
Susan J. Becker, Jack A. Guttenberg, and Lloyd B. Snyder
2007On February 1, 2007, the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct replaced the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility, a set of standards that had been in place since 1970. To reflect the new rules, Anderson's The Law of Professional Responsibility... (view more)
Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell
Michael H. Davis and Arthur R. Miller
2007Authors Michael Davis and famed Harvard professor Arthur Miller provide authoritative coverage on the foundations of patent protection, patentability, and the patenting process. Presents the fundamentals of trademarks and copyright laws. Text further addresses torts and property, antitrust and... (view more)
Special Education Law: Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition
Ralph D. Mawdsley, Mark C. Weber, and Sarah Redfield
2007 -
Federal Statutory Exemptions from Antitrust Law
Chris Sagers and Peter Cartensen
2007Currently more than twenty statutory antitrust exemptions exist, scattered throughout the U.S. Code, which touch upon widely differing aspects of commerce. Now, for the first time, this monograph comprehensively surveys the diverse array of statutes currently in force that... (view more)
Research Methods for Studying Legal Issues in Education
Ralph D. Mawdsley and Steve Permuth
2006Research Method for Studying Legal Issue in Education is an informative monograph for students, professors and attorneys interested in adding breadth and depth to student papers, dissertations and legal proceedings. The content of the text includes traditional research, utilization... (view more)
Discovery From Current and Former Employees
Susan J. Becker
2005A unique handbook for litigators that describes and analyzes an often tricky area of discovery: dealing with the current and former employees of one's opponent. It provides overall guidance and discusses cases from all fifty states in order to... (view more)
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