EngagedScholarship@CSU - Migration in Global Context Symposium: Concluding Remarks

Event Title

Concluding Remarks

Presenter Biography

Shelley Rose is an Assistant Professor of History and Director of Social Studies at Cleveland State University. She is the Academic Director of “Migration in Global Context: History, Narrative, and Project-based Learning.”

Rose earned her BA in history and secondary education at Western New England University and her MA and PhD in modern German and European History at Binghamton University (SUNY). She recently published an article “Place and Politics at the Frankfurt Paulskirche” in the Journal of Urban History and her 2011 article “The Penumbra of Weimar Politics” appeared in Peace & Change. She is committed to teacher education at Cleveland State University, editing the Social Studies @ CSU Blog (socialstudies.clevelandhistory.org)and leading various digital humanities projects including “History Speaks: Using Oral History to Teach Historical Thinking” (http://historyspeaks.clevelandhistory.org). For more information on her teaching and research see http://shelleyrose.org.


Student Center Ballroom, Cleveland State University

Event Website


Event Type


Start Date

15-4-2016 3:50 PM

End Date

15-4-2016 4:00 PM

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Apr 15th, 3:50 PM Apr 15th, 4:00 PM

Concluding Remarks

Student Center Ballroom, Cleveland State University
