EngagedScholarship@CSU - Hungarian Studies Conferences: The Tale of Two Wolves

The Tale of Two Wolves


According to a Cherokee tale, inside every human are two wolves battling for control: one bad, the other one good. “Which one wins?” you may ask. “The one you feed,” sounds the answer. The presenter builds on the fundamental insight from this tale as she discusses how to maximize opportunities and minimize counterproductive practices when learning and teaching Hungarian from birth into adolescence in the U.S. The presenter draws on the fields of second language acquisition, brain-based research, human development, second- and foreign-language education as well as her personal experiences growing up bilingual, raising a trilingual child, founding and running a heritage-language school, and cultivating language preservation among children growing up with heritage languages. The presentation will be accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike and will close with time for questions.

Author Biography

Dr. Porter-Szücs, Ildikó (Eastern Michigan University, Department of World Languages)

Start Date

19-11-2021 12:30 PM

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Nov 19th, 12:30 PM

The Tale of Two Wolves

According to a Cherokee tale, inside every human are two wolves battling for control: one bad, the other one good. “Which one wins?” you may ask. “The one you feed,” sounds the answer. The presenter builds on the fundamental insight from this tale as she discusses how to maximize opportunities and minimize counterproductive practices when learning and teaching Hungarian from birth into adolescence in the U.S. The presenter draws on the fields of second language acquisition, brain-based research, human development, second- and foreign-language education as well as her personal experiences growing up bilingual, raising a trilingual child, founding and running a heritage-language school, and cultivating language preservation among children growing up with heritage languages. The presentation will be accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike and will close with time for questions.