Submissions from 1992
Rape and Dimensions of Gender Socioeconomic Inequality in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Ruth Peterson and William C. Bailey
Projecting Abandonment: the Problem of Residential Sprawl in Toledo., S. Aryeetey-Attoh and Thomas Bier
Single-Family Home Sales and Appreciation: Cuyahoga County, 1991, Thomas Bier
Decision Theory and Individual Differences in Policy Analysis: The Nuclear Waste Repository Site Decision, William M. Bowen and Kingsley E. Haynes
Place, Power and Polarization, George Galster and Edward W. Hill
The Metropolis in Black and White: Place, Power and Polarization, George Galster and Edward W. Hill
The Savings and Loan Debacle and the Erosion of the Dual System of Bank Regulation, Edward W. Hill
Policy Prescriptions for Inner-City Public Schooling, Edward W. Hill and Heidi Marie Rock
Race and Inner-City Education, Edward W. Hill and Heidi Marie Rock
Book Review, Reviewing Dual City - Restructuring New York, W. Dennis Keating
Submissions from 1991
Managing the Environmental Crisis, William M. Bowen, Daniel H. Henning, and William R. Mangun
Felony Murder and Capital Punishment: an Examination of the Deterrence Question, Ruth Peterson and William C. Bailey
Attitudes of Urban and Non-Urban Residents toward Local Growth and Growth Management, Roland Anglin
Book Review: Integrating Telecommunications into Education, William A. Beasley
Buyers of Cleveland Homes, 1989, Thomas Bier
Profile of the Greater Cleveland Housing Market, 1990, Thomas Bier
Public Policy Against Itself: Investments That Help Bring Cleveland (and Eventually Suburbs) Down, Thomas Bier
Sellers of Cleveland Homes, 1988-1990, Thomas Bier
Single-Family Home Sales and Appreciation: Cuyahoga County, 1990, Thomas Bier
Resolving Locational Conflict, William M. Bowen and R. Lake
Economic Development, William M. Bowen, Herbert J. Rubin, and Edward W. Hill
Management of Economic Development, Edward W. Hill and Herbert Rubin
Interest Rates in The State of Ohio: June 1987 to June 1990, Edward W. Hill and Kolawole Sunmonu
Downtown Plans of the 1980s - The Case for More Equity in the 1990s, W. Dennis Keating and Norman Krumholz
Underground Economics, Michael W. Spicer
Sex selection technology utilization: Further implications for sex ratio imbalance., Roberta M. Steinbacher and F. Gilroy,
Submissions from 1990
Review of In Modernity's Wake: The Ameurunculus Letters, Philip Manning
Book Review: Politics by Other Means by Benjamin Ginsberg and Martin Shefter, Roland Anglin
A Guide to Employment Data and Forecasting, Editor's Introduction, Edward W. Hill
Diminishing Utility: The Effect on Citizen Preferences for Growth, Roland Anglin
The S&L Bailout: Some States Gain, Many More Lose, Edward W. Hill
Education as an Economic Development Resource, Edward W. Hill and Heidi Marie Rock
Evaluating Parental Choice in Public Education: Beyond the Monopoly Model, Spicer Michael and Edward W. Hill
Citizen Preferences for Local Growth in a Rapidly Growing Economy, Roland Anglin
Abandonment of Cleveland's Housing Stock and Potential for Redevelopment of Vacant Land, Thomas Bier
Buyers of Cleveland Homes, 1989, Thomas Bier
Condominiums in Cuyahoga County, Thomas Bier
Sellers of Cleveland Homes, 1989, Thomas Bier
Single-Family Home Sales and Appreciation: Cuyahoga County, 1980 - 1989, Thomas Bier
Suburbanization of Ohio Metropolitan Areas, 1980-2000, Thomas Bier
Financing Economic Development: An Institutional Response, Richard D. Bingham, Edward W. Hill, and Sammis B. White
Subjective Judgments and Data Envelopment Analysis in Site Selection, William M. Bowen
Regional Analysis and Planning for Educational Program Design, William M. Bowen, Kingsley E. Haynes, and Roger R. Stough
Cleveland, Ohio: Manufacturing Matters; Services Are Strengthened, But Earnings Erode, Edward W. Hill
Current Antitrust Policy: A Liability in Today's Deregulated Banking Industry, Edward W. Hill
Increasing Minority Representation in the Planning Professorate, Edward W. Hill
The Savings and Loan Bailout, Edward W. Hill
An Overview of Economic Development Finance, Edward W. Hill and Nell Ann Shelley
Identifying the Steel Industrial Complex in Northeast Ohio, Edward W. Hill and Nell Ann Shelley
Identifying the Steel Industrial Complex in Northeast Ohio, Edward W. Hill and Nell Ann Shelley
A Contractarian Approach to Public Administration , Michael W. Spicer
On the Desirability of Tax Evasion: Conventional Versus Constitutional Economic Perspectives , Michael W. Spicer
Latent Policy and the Federal Communications Commission.Telecommunications, Values and the Public Interest, Michael W. Spicer and S. B. Lundstedt
Sex selection technology: A prediction of its use and effect, Roberta M. Steinbacher and F. Gilroy,
Submissions from 1989
Community Computing as an Educational Resource, William A. Beasley
Goffman Revisions, Philip Manning
Ritual Talk, Philip Manning
Trends and Transformations in Work and the Workforce: A Synthesis of Government Publications, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs
Yonkers' Planners Acted Ethically: Its Citizens and Politicians Acted Illegally, Edward W. Hill
Test of an Argumentative Skill Deficiency Model of Interspousal Violence, Dominic A. Infante, Theresa A. Chandler, and Jill E. Rudd
State Bank Regulators: Their Role In Development Finance, Edward W. Hill and John Clair Thompson
Social Science, Public Policy and Persistent Poverty among Urban Blacks: A Review of the Literature, Roland Anglin
The State Development and Redevelopment Plan: An Initial Assessment of the Proces, Roland Anglin
Tests on a Theory of Risk and Culture, William M. Bowen
A Deep Knowledge Planning Support System For Aiding Nuclear Waste Transportation Decisions, William M. Bowen, Kenneth Weeks, Dinesh Batra, and Timothy R. Hill
Economic Restructuring: Earnings, Occupations and Housing Values In Cleveland, Edward W. Hill and Thomas Bier
Book Review: Chicago - Race, Class, and the Response to Urban Decline - Squires,Gd, Bennett,L, Mccourt,K, Nyden,P, W. Dennis Keating
Close to Power - Setting Priorities With Elected Officials - Lucy,W, Norman Krumholz
Submissions from 1988
Differences in The Dependency Rate Among the States in 1985: Implications for Development and Labor Market Policy, Edward W. Hill
The Role of Citizens Groups in Policy Conflicts, James E. Kunde and Jill E. Rudd
Murder and Capital-Punishment in the Evolving Context of the Post-Furman Era, Ruth D. Peterson and William C. Bailey
An Annotated Bibliography of Current Literature on Midwest Economic Development, William M. Bowen
A Deep Knowledge Architecture for Intelligent Support of Nuclear Waste Transportation Decisions, William M. Bowen, D. Batra, T. Hill, and K. Weeks
Self-interest, Public Spirit and Public Policy, Michael W. Spicer
The Conduct of Legislators, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and Larry A. Bakken
Submissions from 1987
What Is the Effect of Random Variation in State Unemployment Rates?, Edward W. Hill
Judicial Approaches to Urban Housing Problems - A Study of the Cleveland Housing Court, W. Dennis Keating
Police Killings and Capital Punishment: The Post-Furman Period, William C. Bailey and Ruth D. Peterson
The Effect of Tax Evasion on Tax Rates Under Leviathan , Michael W. Spicer
Sex choice: Survival and Sisterhood. In G. Corea et al (eds) Man-Made Women., Roberta M. Steinbacher
Man-Made Women, Roberta M. Steinbacher, G. Corea, R. Duelli-Klein, and R. Hanmer
Public Utilities and the Poor: Rights and Responsibilities, David Sweet and Kathryn W. Hexter
Submissions from 1986
The Effects of Genre and Tone on Undergraduate Students Preferred Patterns of Response to 2 Short-Stories and 2 Poems, Jane Ann Zaharias
Linking Downtown Development to Broader Community Goals - an Analysis of Linkage Policy in Three Cities, W. Dennis Keating
Civilization at a Discount: The Problem of Tax Evasion , Michael W. Spicer
Submissions from 1985
Quit flogging, start appreciating government administrators, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs
Patterns of Homicide in North India: Some Sociological Hypotheses, Hans Nagpaul
Strategic agenda management: A marriage of organizational development and strategic planning., Douglas Eadie and Roberta Steinbacher
The Role of Microcomputers in the Education of the Gifted, William A. Beasley
The Chicago Development Plan 1984 - Chicago-Dept-Planning, Norman Krumholz, P. Costigan, and W. Dennis Keating
A Public Choice Approach to Motivation in Bureaucratic Organizations , Michael W. Spicer
Tax Evasion and Heuristics: A Research Note , Michael W. Spicer and R. E. Hero
Preference for sex of child among primiparous women, Roberta M. Steinbacher
Submissions from 1984
Poverty, Inequality, and City Homicide Rates: Some Not So Unexpected Findings, William C. Bailey
Submissions from 1983
Disaggregation in Deterrence and Death Penalty Research: The Case of Murder in Chicago, William C. Bailey
Printing Logo Graphics, William A. Beasley
Identifying and Validating the Constituents of Literary Response Through a Modification of the Response Preference Measure, Jane Ann Zaharias
Preselection of child's sex: Technological utilization and feminism, Roberta M. Steinbacher and F. Kilroy
Submissions from 1982
A Retrospective View of Equity Planning - Cleveland 1969-1979, Norman Krumholz
The British Health Care System: A Comparative Economic Perspective , Michael W. Spicer