Tape 15
Document Type
Audio File
circa 1966
Sam Sheppard discusses activities that took place while he lived in both the honor and hospital dormitories at the Ohio Penitentiary and during his time at the Marion Correctional Institution, including performing surgeries under the auspices of a Dr. Hershberger, near-involvement in various physical altercations with other inmates, and threats by fellow inmates to kidnap his young son for ransom.
The final few minutes include conversations about and with his then-current wife Ariane, explaining how Sam would facilitate getting gifts--including an engagement ring--to her from inside prison.
Streaming Media
Recording transcript
Recommended Citation
Levy, Bill, "Tape 15" (1966). Interviews of Sam Sheppard by Bill Levy. 9.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Captions were auto-generated and may not be accurate. Please contact us at sheppard.feedback@law.csuohio.edu if further assistance is required.
Warning: This recording contains strong language.