EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Welcome and Opening Remarks

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Author Biography

Jianping Zhu: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, CSU

Mandi Goodsett: Performing Arts & Humanities Librarian; Open Educational Resources & Copyright Advisor, CSU

Program Type


Start Date and Time

28-2-2020 9:30 AM

End Date and Time

28-2-2020 9:45 AM


CSU C-M College of Law, Moot Courtroom, LB 101


To view this portion of the conference, click on "Link to Recording" button found at the top right of this page and go to desired time frame:

Mandi Goodsett: 00:00:00 - 00:02:46 (Welcome and introduction)

Provost Zhu: 00:02:59 - 00:06:39 (Opening Remarks)

Mandi Goodsett: 00:06:51 - 00:10:32 (Housekeeping and more about the days events)

Link to Recording


Feb 28th, 9:30 AM Feb 28th, 9:45 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks

CSU C-M College of Law, Moot Courtroom, LB 101
