EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Keynote Presentation: Wikipedia for Open Education: Pedagogy, Information Literacy, and Knowledge Equity

Keynote Presentation: Wikipedia for Open Education: Pedagogy, Information Literacy, and Knowledge Equity

Author Biography

Dr. Matthew Vetter is an assistant professor of English at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches in the Composition and Applied Linguistics PhD Program. A scholar in writing, rhetoric, and digital humanities, his research leverages technology and innovative pedagogy to create meaningful connections between academic and public communities. Vetter has published over a dozen articles and book chapters related to writing studies, information literacy, and Wikipedia-based education in premiere journals and academic presses. An early OER advocate, Dr. Vetter contributes to open-access projects as an associate editor at Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy and senior co-editor of Writing Spaces, a peer-reviewed, OER textbook project for college-level writing studies courses. Dr. Vetter is a veteran instructor with the Wiki Education Program, and has been teaching Wikipedia-based assignments since 2011. With financial support from the Wikimedia Foundation, he has also planned and facilitated numerous Wikipedia Edit-a-thons aimed at tackling the encyclopedia’s gender and racial biases. As a researcher, educator, and higher education leader, Vetter is committed to sponsoring open and equitable educational practices that challenge members of the academy to become agents of public advocacy and social change.

Dr. Vetter's keynote is generously sponsored by OhioNET.

Program Type

Keynote speaker

Start Date and Time

28-2-2020 1:15 PM

End Date and Time

28-2-2020 2:15 PM


Moot Courtroom, LB 101


To view this portion of the conference, click on "Link to Recording" button found at the top right of this page and go to desired time frame:

Introduction by Melanie Gagich, Associate College Lecturer, First-Year Writing Program (00:00:00 - 00:01:30)

Keynote Presentation, Dr. Matthew Vetter (00:01:46 - 00:59:34)

Link to Recording


COinS Matthew Vetter
Feb 28th, 1:15 PM Feb 28th, 2:15 PM

Keynote Presentation: Wikipedia for Open Education: Pedagogy, Information Literacy, and Knowledge Equity

Moot Courtroom, LB 101
