EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Help the educator benefit from open education

Help the educator benefit from open education

Program Type


Start Date and Time

14-5-2021 1:00 PM

End Date and Time

14-5-2021 1:45 PM


Zoom details to be sent to OpenCon 2021 registrants.

Program Description

Panel discussion on Friday.

Video Description: Benefits of OER exist beyond conventional cost advantages for students. While final grade improvement is not widely supported in the OER literature, student satisfaction and perceptions of quality increase significantly with OER adoption. Furthermore, perceptions of the instructor improve (though not significantly) and students report it is more difficult to find the answers to the tests online. In this session, I would like to discuss how identifying benefits for instructors is important for proliferating the use of OER. These incentives may include warmer perceptions by students and gratitude from the administration.


To see closed captioning for the video, link to https://youtu.be/fzXrU1RSGrc

Streaming Media


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May 14th, 1:00 PM May 14th, 1:45 PM

Help the educator benefit from open education

Zoom details to be sent to OpenCon 2021 registrants.

Panel discussion on Friday.

Video Description: Benefits of OER exist beyond conventional cost advantages for students. While final grade improvement is not widely supported in the OER literature, student satisfaction and perceptions of quality increase significantly with OER adoption. Furthermore, perceptions of the instructor improve (though not significantly) and students report it is more difficult to find the answers to the tests online. In this session, I would like to discuss how identifying benefits for instructors is important for proliferating the use of OER. These incentives may include warmer perceptions by students and gratitude from the administration.
