Asynchronous Pre-Recorded Lightning Talks and Viewing Discussions 2023
Teaching 'Intellectual Diversity' in the Shadow of Ohio SB 83
Program Type
Lightning talks
Start Date and Time
15-5-2023 8:00 AM
End Date and Time
18-5-2023 9:00 PM
Program Description
At Cleveland State University there is a class that studies multicultural literature. In Spring, 2023, the focus has been the multicultural short story. Once students became familiar with formal narrative elements (plot, conflict), the critical analysis was driven by the question, “What is ‘cultural’ about multicultural fiction? Rather than analyzing the stories in terms of formal structure (e. g. plot), critical inquiry now centered on the cultural icons wherein students began to define a different learning experience. As students were developing this new process of inquiry, SB 83 was introduced in the Ohio State legislature. The intent to create parameters in attempts to promote "intellectual diversity," changed the question to “What if information gained could not be shared?” The lightening talk will follow those students whose response engaged OER. The presentation will include the instructional context, classroom strategies for defining and teaching cultural content, and student reflection on their own learning and the potential to effect learning in others.
Streaming Media
Teaching 'Intellectual Diversity' in the Shadow of Ohio SB 83
At Cleveland State University there is a class that studies multicultural literature. In Spring, 2023, the focus has been the multicultural short story. Once students became familiar with formal narrative elements (plot, conflict), the critical analysis was driven by the question, “What is ‘cultural’ about multicultural fiction? Rather than analyzing the stories in terms of formal structure (e. g. plot), critical inquiry now centered on the cultural icons wherein students began to define a different learning experience. As students were developing this new process of inquiry, SB 83 was introduced in the Ohio State legislature. The intent to create parameters in attempts to promote "intellectual diversity," changed the question to “What if information gained could not be shared?” The lightening talk will follow those students whose response engaged OER. The presentation will include the instructional context, classroom strategies for defining and teaching cultural content, and student reflection on their own learning and the potential to effect learning in others.
From Monday, May 15, 2023 through Thursday, May 18, 2023 there were asynchronous lightning talk viewings and discussions on Discord. This pre-recorded lightning talk is now available here.