"54/07/10 (3) 9:10pm, Karl Jr. Schuele" by Bay Village Police Department

Document Type

Witness Statement



Box Number


Item Number



Karl Schuele, Gretchen Schuele


Karl Schuele, a neighbor of the Sheppards, stated that he, his date, his sister (Gretchen), and his sister's date had been at a formal dance the evening of July 3. They returned home around 2am; he went to sleep around 2:45am. At no time did he hear or see anything suspicious. He first heard of the murder around 7am when his sister, who heard of the murder from Chief Eaton and Mayor Houk, told him. Karl, Gretchen, and their parents went down to the beach to look for footprints and later went on a boat trip with a friend.


Also available in Box 10, Item Number 46



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