"An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Unsteady Euler Equations" by W. Rivera, Jianping Zhu et al.

An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Unsteady Euler Equations

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2001 Practice and Theory — Proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2001 Conference Egmondaan Zee, The Netherlands (May 21–23, 2001)


Publisher Summary:

This chapter reveals that the domain decomposition method has been widely used for solving time dependent PDEs. It dates back to the classical Schwartz alternating algorithm with overlapping subdomains for solving elliptic boundary value problems. Advantages of using domain decomposition approach include high level of parallelism, efficient treatment of complex geometries, and reduction of computational complexity and storage. When solving time dependent PDEs using non-overlapping subdomains, the domain decomposition method could either be used as a preconditioner for Krylov type algorithms, or as a means to decompose the original domain into subdomains and to solve the PDEs defined in different subdomains concurrently. When it is used as a preconditioner, the relevant PDE is discretized over the entire original domain to form a large system of algebraic equations, which is then solved by Krylov type iterative algorithms.

Original Citation

Rivera, W., Zhu, J., and Huddleston, D. (2002). An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Unsteady Euler Equations. Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics - Practice and Theory, 293 – 300, Wilders, Ecer, Periaux, Satofuka, and Fox Eds. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.


