"An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Unsteady Nonlinear Equatio" by W. Rivera, Jianping Zhu et al.

An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Unsteady Nonlinear Equations

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Parallel Processing Workshops, 2001. International Conference on


This paper discusses the application of a new parallel non-overlapping domain decomposition algorithm, based on explicit predictors and implicit correctors, to the solution of nonlinear equations. The results demonstrate significant improvement in accuracy for calculating transient solutions using the new approach. In addition, the parallel algorithm scales well as the number of processors increases for large scale problems.

Original Citation

Rivera, W., Zhu, J., and Huddleston, D. (2001), An efficient parallel algorithm for solving unsteady nonlinear equations, in Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Processing, 79 – 84, Pinkston Ed. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California.


