"Irma Multisensor Predictive Signature Model" by John S. Watson, Michael R. Wellfare et al.

Irma Multisensor Predictive Signature Model

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings SPIE 3375, Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation IV


The Irma synthetic signature model was one of the first high resolution synthetic infrared (IR) target and background signature models to be developed for tactical air-to-surface weapon scenarios. Originally developed in 1980 by the Armament Directorate of the Air Force Wright Laboratory (WL/MN), the Irma model was used exclusively to generate IR scenes for smart weapons research and development. In 1988, a number of significant upgrades to Irma were initiated including the addition of a laser channel. This two channel version, Irma 3.0, was released to the user community in 1990. In 1992, an improved scene generator was incorporated into the Irma model which supported correlated frame-to-frame imagery. This and other improvements were released in Irma 2.2. Recently, Irma 3.2, a passive IR/millimeter wave (MMW) code, was completed. Currently, upgrades are underway to include an active MMW channel. Designated Irma 4.0, this code will serve as a cornerstone of sensor fusion research in the laboratory from 6.1 concept development to 6.3 technology demonstration programs for precision guided munitions. Several significant milestones have been reached in this development process and are demonstrated. The Irma 4.0 software design has been developed and interim results are available. Irma is being developed to facilitate multi-sensor smart weapons research and development. It is currently in distribution to over 80 agencies within the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, ARPA, NASA, Department of Transportation, academia, and industry.




