"A Reprocessing Tool for Quantitative Data Analysis in a Virtual Enviro" by E. J. Griffith, M. Koutek et al.

A Reprocessing Tool for Quantitative Data Analysis in a Virtual Environment

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST


This paper presents an approach to help speed up and unify the exploration and analysis of time-dependent, volumetric data sets by easily incorporating new qualitative and quantitative information into an exploratory virtual environment (VE). The new information is incorporated through one or more expedited offline "reprocessing" steps, which compute properties of objects extracted from the data. These objects and their properties are displayed in the exploratory VE. A case study involving atmospheric data is presented to demonstrate the utility of the method. Copyright 2006 ACM.


