"Memorandum in Opposition to Defendant's Request for Supplemental Exper" by Terry H. Gilbert and George H. Carr

Document Type

Davis v. State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Case No. CV96-312322



Box Number


Item Number



plaintiff's filing, opposition, expert testimony, exhumation, expert reports


The Estate of Sam Sheppard argues that no evidence has been discovered or introduced that would cause any of the Estate's experts to render supplemental reports. The fact that the State has unearthed evidence not considered by the Estate's experts does not impose a duty on them to consider such evidence; instead it places a burden on the State to submit expert reports explaining why the evidence discovered by the exhumation, if any, is relevant or dispositive to the case. After such opinions have been submitted, the Estate may be required to submit supplemental reports if it wishes to introduce any expert testimony not already contained in existing reports.

See ruling: Civil Case Status Form - Rulings on Various Motions in Limine and Discovery Motions
