"The Role of Intergenerational Mentoring As a Tool for Matriculation of" by Camilya Williams



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Faculty Advisors

Shemariah Arki - Case Western Reserve University


White and minority students enroll in college at similar rates, however, completion rates for minority students is lower than for white students. Discrimination, implicit biases, sex, and socioeconomic status are factors linked to this disparity. There is a need to identify innovative solutions to bridge this gap. For this we performed a literature review to identify trends to achieve equity in education. We identified intergenerational mentoring as a viable alternative. According to authors Satterly et al., (2018), “This model reflects the positive aspects of reverse mentoring without the hierarchical framework of mentor and mentee; rather, it is based upon the notion that everyone leads, and everyone learns.” Further work is needed to explore the role of intergenerational mentoring in the success of the matriculation of higher education completion for minoritized womxn.

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Black Studies

Student Publication

This item is part of the McNair Scholars Program.

The Role of Intergenerational Mentoring As a Tool for Matriculation of Minoritized Womxn in Higher Education Completion
