EngagedScholarship@CSU - Undergraduate Education in the 21st Century: Assessment and General Education

Presentation Title

Assessment and General Education

Author Biography

Joshua Bagaka's

Dr. Joshua Gisemba Bagaka's is a professor of educational research design and statistics in the Department of Curriculum and Foundations in the College of Education and Human Services, and Director of Assessment of Student Learning at Cleveland State University. He is also the University's Director of Assessment. Professor Bagaka's received his Bachelor of Education degree in Mathematics Education from the University of Nairobi, a Master's of Science in Probabilities and Statistics and a Ph.D in Educational Research Design and Statistics both from Michigan State University. His teaching responsibilities are in the graduate educational research courses, educational statistics, and educational program evaluation. His research interests are in teacher, classroom, and school effectiveness on student learning outcomes. He is particularly interested in the utilization of hierarchical linear models in analyzing school, teacher, and classroom effectiveness data. He also served, for seven years as the Director of the Ph. D in Urban Education program at Cleveland State University. Professor Bagaka's served on the African Regional Research Fulbright Program to Kenya from August 2010 to April 2011.

Ann Marie Smeraldi

Ann Marie Smeraldi has focused her career in librarianship on information literacy instruction and assessment with special interest in the needs of first-year college students as they transition to higher education. As the Head of Library Teaching and Learning Services at Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library, Ann Marie designs information literacy instruction and assessment for the first-year experience course and freshmen composition courses, oversees library services to undergraduates, and manages the Learning Commons. As the subject specialist for Middle Eastern and Women's Studies, she serves the research and instruction needs of faculty, undergraduates, and graduates of these programs. Ann Marie holds a Master of Information and Library Science from Kent State University and a BA in Liberal Studies from Cleveland State.

Start Date

20-4-2016 3:00 PM

End Date

20-4-2016 3:50 PM


As part of accreditation, the University is required to have an ongoing program of assessment for continuous improvement for general education. Our General Education program incorporates skill areas into the introductory general education courses. On this panel, we will discuss implementation of general education assessment, goals of the assessment and steps presently under way.

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COinS Joshua Bagakas
Apr 20th, 3:00 PM Apr 20th, 3:50 PM

Assessment and General Education

As part of accreditation, the University is required to have an ongoing program of assessment for continuous improvement for general education. Our General Education program incorporates skill areas into the introductory general education courses. On this panel, we will discuss implementation of general education assessment, goals of the assessment and steps presently under way.