Economic Development | Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs | Cleveland State University


Submissions from 2005


Foreign Migration to the Cleveland-Akron-Lorain Metropolitan Area From 1995 to 2000, Mark Salling and Ellen Cyran


The NASA Glenn Research Center: An economic impact Study Fiscal Year 2004, Robert Sadowski


Transforming our Regional Economy, Ziona Austrian, Ed Morrison, and Laszio Kozmon


Occupation Analysis for the Greater Cleveland Area, Jun Koo


Beachwood's Economy: Analytical Report, Iryna Lendel and Ziona Austrian


Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Analysis: A Working Paper in Support of Global Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Roadmap Initiative, Ziona Austrian and Iryna Lendel

Training Needs of Coastal Resources Decision Makers in Ohio's Lake Erie Basin, Wendy Kellogg, Michael J. Tevesz, Claudette Robey, Kevin O'Brien, Kirstin Toth, Micheal McGoun, and Dan Baracskay


Lake Hospital System: An Economic Impact Study, Robert Sadowski and Ziona Austrian


A Strategy for Growing the Ohio Aerospace & Defense Industry, Jack Kleinhenz, Ziona Austrian, Robert Sadowski, and Ed Morrison


Employment Centers in the Akron, Cleveland and Youngstown Metropolitan Areas, Robert Sadowski


Regional Economic Indicators: Affordability and Quality of Life, Iryna Lendel


Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Ziona Austrian


Traditional Regional Economic Indicators, Robert Sadowski

An Overview of University Real Estate Investment Practices, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton

Did 9/11 change Manhattan and the New York Region as Places to Conduct Business?, Edward W. Hill and Iryna Lendel

Estimating the Value of a FirstEnergy Investment: Habitat for Humanity, Center for Public Management and Team NEO


Northeast Ohio Employment and Wage Trends: Economic Brief, Winter 2005, Ziona Austrian Ph.D.


Strategy for the Implementation of an Industrial Land Bank, Kevin O'Brien, Kirstin S. Toth, Matthew Sattler, Michael McGoun, and Jacob Duritsky


Team Process Review of the Accelerated Urban Initiative: Toledo Public Schools, Kevin O'Brien, Claudette Robey, Larry C. Ledebur, Billie K. Geyer, K. Toth, and Michael McGoun

University Involvement in Downtown Revitalization: Managing Political and Financial Risks, Mark Rosentraub; Cummings, Scott; Mary Domahidy; and Sarah Coffin

Submissions from 2004


Playhouse Square Center: Economic Impact and Contribution to Northeast Ohio, Robert Sadowski, Jill Norton, Ziona Austrian, and Mark Rosentraub


Regional Economic Indicators: Business & Innovation Climate, Robert Sadowski


The Current Coastal Resource Management Training Market in Ohio's Lake Erie Basin, Wendy Kellogg, Kevin O'Brien, Claudette Robey, Micheal J. Tevesz, Dan Baracskay, Linda Feix, Christine Kasselmann, Jeffrey Reutter, and Gene Wright

A review of alternative economic base study methods for community economic development, Jordan S. Yin

Benchmarking Northeast Ohio: Selected Economic Development and Quality of Life Indicators (Presentation), Ziona Austrian

BUGC - Funding Options for Emerging Public Works Infrastructure Investments in Cuyahoga County. Prepared for Build Up Greater Cleveland, Center for Public Management

The Economics of Sports: An International Perspective, Robert Sandy, Peter Sloane, and Mark S. Rosentraub

Submissions from 2003


The Role of Colleges and Universities in Neighborhood Real Estate Development: Based on the Experience of Five Institutions, Jill Norton and Ziona Austrian


WIRE-NET Area Industry Profile Analysis, Robert Sadowski and Ziona Austrian

Financing Economic Development in the 21St Century, Sammis B. White, Richard Bingham, and Edward W. Hill


Needs Assessment: A Report on Seven Focus Groups in Ohio: Report Summary, Kevin O'Brien, Daniel Baracskay, Wendy A. Kellogg, Michael McGoun, Claudette Robey, Michael J. Tevesz, and Kirstin S. Toth

Urban Tourism and Financing Professional Sports Facilities, Mark Rosentraub and Ziona Austrian

Submissions from 2002


Cleveland State University: An Economic Impact Study, Ziona Austrian


Industrial Activity in Cleveland, Robert Sadowski and Ziona Austrian


Urban Universities and Real Estate Development, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton


Strategies and Tools in Economic Development Practice, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton


What Works in Economic Development Practice? An Evaluation of Strategies & Tools, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton


High-Tech Industrial Activity In Greater Cleveland 1992-2000, Robert Sadowski


High-Tech Industrial Activity In Greater Cleveland 1992-2000: Technology-Oriented Employment Addendum, Robert Sadowski

A Guide to Economic Development Practice, Ziona Austrian and Jill S. Taylor

Cities, Sports, and Economic Change: A Retrospective Assessment, Mark Rosentraub and Ziona Austrian

Corporate Perceptions of Workforce Development Needs of Northeast Ohio. Prepared for the Jobs and Workforce Initiative of the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, Kevin O'Brien and et al.

Indianapolis, a Sports Strategy, and the Redefinition of Downtown Development, Mark Rosentraub

Tourism, Sports and the Centrality of Cities, Mark Rosentraub and Robyne S. Turner

Submissions from 2001


Manufacturing Locations in Ohio: Shifts in Employment and Average Earnings Among Central, Suburban and Rural Counties, Robert Sadowski


The Information Technology Industry in the State of Ohio and its Regions: 1989 to 2000, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton


The Information Technology Cluster in Northeast Ohio: A Briefing Paper, Ziona Austrian

Re-Imaging The Rust Belt: Can Cleveland Sustain The Renaissance?, Patricia Burgess, Ruth Durack, and Edward W. Hill

The Economics of Central City Neighborhoods, Richard D. Bingham and Zhongcai Zhang

The Economies of Central City Neighborhoods, Richard Bingham and Zhongcai Zhang

Submissions from 2000


State of Ohio's Urban Regions Reports: Employment Change, Ziona Austrian and John P. Blair


Northeast Ohio’s Regional Economy: An Assessment of the Economic State of the Region and its Political Challenges, Edward W. Hill


The NASA Glenn Research Center: an Economic Impact Study, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf


World Class Region Initiative:, Donald T. Iannone, Ziona Austrian, and Adina Swirski Wolf

Are Fragmentation and Sprawl Interlinked?: North American Evidence, Mark Rosentraub and Eran Razin

Beyond Edge Cities: Job Decentralization and Urban Sprawl, Richard D. Bingham and Chengri Ding

City-County Consolidation and the Rebuilding of Image: The Fiscal Lessons from Indianapolis's UniGov Program, Mark Rosentraub

Cluster Case Studies: The Marriage of Quantitative and Qualitative Information for Action, Ziona Austrian

Metropolitan Employment Growth and Neighborhood Job Access in Spatial and Skills Perspectives: Empirical Evidence from Seven Ohio Metropolitan Regions, Richard D. Bingham and Zhongcai Zhang

Public-Private Partnerships, Professional Sports Teams and the Protection of the Public’s Interests, Mark Rosentraub and Sheila Kennedy

Submissions from 1999


The Regional economic impact of Cleveland's Maritime Operation: An Update, Ziona Austrian, Charles Post, and Adina Swirski Wolf


The Ohio Thomas Edison Program: An Economic Impact Study, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf


An Assessment of the Costs, Benefits, and Overall Impacts of the State of Ohio's Economic Development Programs: Executive Summary, Donald T. Iannone


An Assessment of the Costs, Benefits, and Overall Impacts of the State of Ohio's Economic Development Programs: Final Report, Donald T. Iannone

Major League Losers: The Real Costs of Professional Sports And Who's Paying For It, Mark S. Rosentraub

Regional Economic Governance Series (five articles in a weekly series), Daila Shimek, Kevin O'Brien, and Susan Petrone

Submissions from 1998


An Assessment of the Ohio Thomas Edison Program, Dean M. Prestegaard, Adina Swirski Wolf, Donald T. Iannone, and Ziona Austrian


Ohio Business Establishments Inter-County Relocation Trends During the 1994-1997 Period, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf


The Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit Program: An economic impact Analysis, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf


The Ohio Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment Investment Tax Credit: An Economic Impact Analysis, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf


The Metalworking Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region: A Briefing Paper, John F. Brennan


The Future of the Northeast Ohio Workforce, Jocelyn Fagan


The Instruments and Controls Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region, Jocelyn Fagan


The Insurance Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region: A Briefing Paper, Ziona Austrian

Industrial Policy American Style: From Hamilton to HDTV, Richard D. Bingham


Strategy Building Session for WireNet for the City of Cleveland West Side Economic Development Initiative: Site Prioritization and Selection, Kirstin Toth and Donald T. Iannone

Tax Increment Financing: Municipal Adoption and Effects On Property Value Growth, Mark Rosentraub and Joyce Man


The Chemical Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region, Dwayne Keeney and Adina Swirski Wolf

Submissions from 1997


Ohio's Metropolitan Areas: Employment and Payroll Trends in Central and Suburban Counties, Ziona Austrian


Downtown Cleveland's Economic Base, 1989-1996, Ziona Austrian and Jocelyn Fagan

Measuring the Regional Economic Impact of the Port of Cleveland's Maritime Operations, Charles Post, Donald T. Iannone, and Ziona Austrian


Policy Lessons from Cleveland's Economic Restructuring and the Accompanying Case Study, Edward W. Hill

Beyond Edge Cities, Richard D. Bingham, William M. Bowen, and et al.


Brownfield Redevelopment Strategies for Elkhart, IN: Technical Advisory Report on Financial, Marketing, & Economic Development Strategies, Kirstin Toth and Paul Christensen

Cleveland's Gateway to the Future, Mark Rosentraub and Ziona Austrian

Cross-sector collaboration: The Great Lakes Environmental Center, Ziona Austrian and Don Iannone

Dilemmas of Urban Economic Development: Issues in Theory and Practice, Richard D. Bingham and Robert (eds) Mier


Downtown Cleveland's Economic Base, 1989-1996: Executive Summary, Ziona Austrian and Jocelyn Fagan

Global Perspectives on Economic Development: Government and Enterprise Finance, Richard D. Bingham and Edward W. Hill

Poverty and Economic Morphology of Ohio Central-City Neighborhoods, Richard D. Bingham and Zhongcai Zhang

Revitalizing Cleveland, Not Comeback Cleveland: Local and Federal Forces that Rebuilt a Region, in Rethinking National Economic Development Policy, Edward W. Hill

Submissions from 1996


Small Business Lending: Barriers and Trends, Zhongcai Zhang and Ziona Austrian

Competitive advantage, economic development, and the effective use of local public dollars, Mark Rosentraub and Michael Przybylski

Great Lakes Central Counties: Is the Era of Greenfield Development Coming to an End?, Ziona Austrian and Thomas Bier

Patterns in State Economic Development Policy, David Elkins, Richard Bingham, and William M. Bowen

Submissions from 1995

Reviving Local Economies: A Guide for Russian Officials, Terry F. Buss and Edward W. Hill

Submissions from 1994


Geauga County Growth Forecast: Study of Expected Trends to the Year 2005, Donald T. Iannone and Ziona Austrian

Charting the Course for Northeast Ohio - Final Report and Recommendations of the Ohio Task Force on Regional Competitiveness and Cooperation, Kevin O'Brien

The Performance of State Economic Development Programs: An Impact Evaluation, Richard Bingham and William M. Bowen

Those Who Benefit Should Foot Bill for New Stadium. Crain's Cleveland Business, Kevin O'Brien, Richard Bingham, and Edward Hill