Economic Development | Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs | Cleveland State University


Submissions from 2017


Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 6 Evaluation Report, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, Nick Downer, and Liam Robinson


The Economic Impact of the 2016 Republican National Convention, Candi Clouse, Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, and Luke Seaberg


The Economic Impact Of The Metrohealth System Campus Transformation: 2015-2023, Ellen Cyran, Iryna Lendel, and Candi Clouse


Analysis of Supply Chain Opportunities for Fuel Cell Buses Using Industrial Classifications, Andrew R. Thomas, Iryna Lendel, and Adam Kanter


Housing Impact of Shale Development in Eastern Ohio Update: February 2017, Iryna Lendel, Kathryn W. Hexter, Charlie Post, Nick Downer, Nate Hoover, and Sydney Martis


Eastern Ohio Shale & Housing Dashboard - January 1, 2017, Iryna Lendel, Kathryn W. Hexter, Charlie Post, Nick Downer, Nate Hoover, and Sydney Martis

Submissions from 2016


Measuring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Caroline Taich, Merissa Piazza, Kara Carter, and Alexa Wilcox


Practitioner Guidebook: Measuring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Merissa Piazza


Housing Impact of Shale Development in Eastern Ohio Update: October 2016, Iryna Lendel, Kathryn W. Hexter, Charlie Post, Nick Downer, and Sydney Martis


Midstream Challenges and Downstream Opportunities in the Tri-State Region, Iryna Lendel, Andrew R. Thomas, and Bryan Townley


Best Practices of Creating Innovation Exchange Web Portals Across the States, Iryna Lendel, Simon Husted, Luke Seaberg, and Serena Alexander


The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2015, Iryna Lendel and Luke Seaberg


Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 5 Evaluation Report, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


2015 Economic Impact of Companies Funded and/or Assisted by the Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurial Signature Program, Candi Clouse and Kenneth Kalynchuk


Comprehensive Community Housing Study and Needs Analysis, Kathryn W. Hexter, Kirby Date, Charlie Post, Molly Schnoke, and Ellen Cyran


Economic Impact Of Ohio Aerospace Institute, FY 1998-2015, Candi Clouse and Kenneth S. Kalynchuk


The Forward Cities Cleveland Experience: Overview and Analysis, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, and Sydney Martis

Submissions from 2015


Mission, Vision, and Capacity of Place-Based Safety Net Hospitals: Leveraging the Power of Anchors to Strengthen Local Economies and Communities, Ziona Austrian, Serena Alexander, Merissa Piazza, and Candi Clouse


Center for Population Dynamics Quarterly Brief October 2015: A Reason to Be- The "Upskilling" of Cleveland's Workforce, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, and Charlie Post


Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Economic Impact Study, Iryna Lendel, Candi Clouse, Ellen Cyran, Tatyana Guzman, Merissa Piazza, Stephanie Ryberg Webster, Charlie Post, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


University Circle & Little Italy Study: Demographic Trends, Property Assessment, and Recommendations for Neighborhood Revitalization, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Ellen Cyran, Paul Boehnlein, Bryan Townley, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


Slavic Village Neighborhood Retail Market Study, Kirby Date


Economic Profile: Village of Middlefield, Ohio, Kirby Date


Box Office Ohio: Analysis and Economic Impact of the Film Industry in Northeast Ohio and Ohio, Candi Clouse and Nikki Glazer


Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 4 Evaluation Report, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


Machining: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza, Serena Alexander, and Marcus Notaro


Materials Joining and Forming: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza and Serena Alexander


Molding: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza and Serena Alexander


Spotlight on Economic Development Grantmaking in Ohio, Molly Schnoke


2014 Economic Impact Of Companies Funded and/or Assisted By The Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurial Signature Program, Candi Clouse and Ziona Austrian


Additive Manufacturing: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza and Serena Alexander

Submissions from 2014


City Vitals 3.0, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Nikki Glazer, and Marcus Notaro


Machining Industry: Survey & Focus Groups, Merissa Piazza, Edward W. Hill, and Molly Schnoke


The Economic Impact of Cleveland State University, Candi Clouse, Ziona Austrian, and Serena Alexander


SA2020 San Antonio City Dividends, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, and Nikki Glazer


SA2020 San Antonio Green Dividend, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, and Nikki Glazer


SA2020 San Antonio Health/Diabetes Dividend, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, and Nikki Glazer


SA2020 San Antonio Opportunity Dividend, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, and Nikki Glazer


SA2020 San Antonio Talent Dividend, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, and Nikki Glazer


The Bioscience Cluster in Ohio, Candi Clouse and Ziona Austrian


Understanding Ohio's Electricity Markets: Characteristics, Structure and Price, Iryna Lendel and Andrew R. Thomas


The Need for Cleveland Promise, Merissa Piazza, Marcus Notaro, Nikki Glazer, and Ziona Austrian


Understanding Electricity Markets in Ohio, Andrew R. Thomas, Iryna Lendel, and Sunjoo Park


Downtown Market Study: City of Olmsted Falls, Ohio, Kirby Date


Forming Cleveland: A Visual Arts, Craft and Design Industry Study: Executive Summary, Iryna Lendel, Candi Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ellen Cyran, Fran Stewart, Nikki Glazer, Christopher Lohr, and Andrew Lang


Forming Cleveland: A Visual Arts, Craft And Design Industry Study: Full Report, Iryna Lendel, Candi Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ellen Cyran, Fran Stewart, Nikki Glazer, Christopher Lohr, and Andrew Lang


The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2013, Iryna Lendel and Christopher Lohr


Water Resources Shaping Ohio's Future: Water Efficiency Manual for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Facilities (Presentation), Serena Alexander, Wendy A. Kellogg, Iryna Lendel, Andrew R. Thomas, and Nicholas C. Zingale


Water Resources Shaping Ohio's Future: Water Efficiency Manual for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Facilities (Report), Serena Alexander, Wendy A. Kellogg, Iryna Lendel, Andrew R. Thomas, and Nicholas C. Zingale

Historic Preservation and Urban Revitalization in the Twenty-First Century, Stephanie R. Ryberg-Webster and Kelly Kinahan


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Evaluation Executive Summary Year 3, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Serineh Baboomian


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio - Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Formative and System Change Report, Year 3, Kathryn W. Hexter, Ziona Austrian, Candi Clouse, and Serineh Baboomian


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio - Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Programs and Projects Report, Year 3, Candi Clouse, Ziona Austrian, and Kathryn W. Hexter


2013 Economic Impact of Companies Funded and/or Assisted by the Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurial Signature Program, Candi Clouse and Ziona Austrian


Retail Market Study: Village of Middlefield, Ohio, Kirby Date

The Road Through the Rust Belt: From Preeminence to Decline to Prosperity, William M. Bowen

Submissions from 2013


Manufacturing Brief 2013, Candi Clouse, Ziona Austrian, and Christopher Lohr


The Manufacturing Sector in the Greater Northeastern/Northern Region of Pennsylvania, Ziona Austrian, Candi Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Nikki Glazer, Eunkyu Lee, Hyejin Jung, and Eric Esoda


2012 Economic Impact of JumpStart Inc. Portfolio and Client Companies, Candice Clouse and Ziona Austrian


The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2012, Iryna Lendel and Eunkyu Lee


Economic Impact of Green Infrastructure Maintenance, Merissa Piazza and Candi Clouse


Living Cities Integration Initiative: Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Year 2 Programs & Project Report, Candi Clouse, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn Hexter, Serineh Baboomian, and Joe Andre


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: A Report of System Changes and Their Outcome Measures Year 2, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn Hexter, Serineh Baboomian, and Candi Clouse


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Evaluation Executive Summary Year 2, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Serineh Baboomian


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Formative Report Year 2, Kathryn Hexter, Ziona Austrian, and Candi Clouse


Distributed Generation as a Response to Rising Electricity Costs in Ohio, Andrew R. Thomas and Iryna Lendel


Moving Ohio Manufacturing Forward: Competitive Electricity Pricing, Iryna Lendel, Sunjoo Park, and Andrew R. Thomas


Central Georgia Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Merissa Piazza, Joe Andre, Elorm M. Tsegah, Eunkyu Lee, and Ziona Austrian


The Economic Impact of MetroHealth System, Matthew Hrubey, Ziona Austrian, Candi Clouse, and Merissa Piazza

Submissions from 2012


Manufacturing Brief 2012, Candi Clouse


The State of Ohio's Steel Industry, Edward W. Hill, Iryna Lendel, and Fran Stewart


The Cleveland Health Tech Corridor: An Analysis of Economic Trends, 2000-2011, Matthew Hrubey, Ziona Austrian, and Joe Andre


2011 Economic Impact of Jumpstart Inc. Portfolio and Client Companies, Ziona Austrian and Candice Clouse


The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2011, Iryna Lendel and Sunjoo Park


The Ohio Bioscience Sector, 2000-2010, Matthew Hrubey, Candice Clouse, and Ziona Austrian


John Carroll University Economic Impact, Ziona Austrian, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Tyler Thompson, and Matthew Hrubey


Minority Participation in Technology Based Growth Industries in Northeast Ohio, Merissa Piazza, Elorm Tsegah, Ziona Austrian, and Ellen Cyran


Detroit Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Merissa Piazza, Joan Chase, Chang-Shik Song, Elorm Tsegah, and Ziona Austrian


Analysis and Economic Impact of the Film Industry in Northeast Ohio & Ohio, Candice Clouse


Introducing the Ohio New Establishment Dynamics Data, Joel A. Elvery and Ellen Cyran


An Analysis of the Economic Potential for Shale Formations in Ohio, Andrew R. Thomas, Iryna Lendel, Edward W. Hill, Douglas Southgate, and Robert Chase


Akron Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Merissa Piazza, Joan Chase, Chang-Shik Song, Elorm Tsegah, and Ziona Austrian

Chapter 10: The City Works, Claudette Robey and James Robey


Community/ tribal economic development and land rights in Africa: A survey, Robert A. Simons

Financial Condition of Bedford, Ohio 2003 – 2010, City of Bedford, Kevin O'Brien

Financing America’s Infrastructure Needs: Useful Life Financing, Time to Reconsider a Smart Idea, Underground Infrastructure Management, Kevin O'Brien, William Jarocki, and Kristina Gillespie

Review of the Financial Condition of the Cleveland Public Library: Board/Administration Presentation, Cleveland Public Library, Kevin O'Brien

Review of the Financial Condition of the Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Kevin O'Brien

Scan of the Financial Condition of Bay Village Ohio, 2002 – 2010, City of Bay Village, Kevin O'Brien

Scan of the Financial Condition of the Village of Bratenahl, Ohio: 2002 – 2010, Bratenahl Community Organization, Kevin O'Brien

Submissions from 2011

Historic Designation and the Rebuilding of Inner City Neighborhoods: New Evidence of the Value of an Old Policy Tool, Akram Ijla, Stephanie Ryberg Webster, and William M. Bowen


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio - Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Year One Formative and Summative Evaluation Report, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Matt Hrubey


Driving the Economy Home: What Matters Most to Northeast Ohio's Economy (Dashboard of Economic Indicators 2011), Emily Garr, Ziona Austrian, and Merissa Piazza


Remix Cleveland- The Cleveland Music Sector and Its Economic Impact - Executive Summary, Iryna Lendel, Sharon Bliss, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Renee Constantino, and Matthew Hrubey


Remix Cleveland: The Cleveland Music Sector and Its Economic Impact - Full Report, Iryna Lendel, Sharon Bliss, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Renee Constantino, and Matthew Hrubey


Economic Impact of JumpStart Inc. Portfolio and Client Companies, 2010, Ziona Austrian and Candice Clouse


Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Brief, Matthew Hrubey


An Assessment of EDA's Partnership Planning Program, George A. Erickcek, Brad Watts, Larry C. Ledebur, Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, Kevin E. O'Brien, Andrew Batson, Jim Robey, Jacob Duritsky, and Kim Merik


Upstate New York Entrepreneurial Opportunity Survey Analysis, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Eli Auerbach, Sunjoo Park, and Joan Chase


Upstate New York Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Eli Auerbach, Sunjoo Park, and Joan Chase