Submissions from 2023
Improving Drug Courts: A Preliminary Study, James J. Chriss and Miyuki F. Tedor
Using Machine Learning to Assess Rape Reports: “Signaling” Words about Victims' Credibility that Predict Investigative and Prosecutorial Outcomes, Rachel Lovell, Joanna Klingenstein, Jiaxin Du, Laura Overman, Danielle Sabo, Xinyue Ye, and Daniel J. Flannery
Submissions from 2022
Developing and Analyzing a “Top Offender” List for the Cuyahoga County Crime Strategies Unit, Rachel E. Lovell, Joanna Klingenstein, Duoduo Huang, Ryan McMaster, and Edward Dabkowski
Older Adults' Perspectives on Death and Dying in Prison, Meghan A. Novisky, Chelsey S. Narvey, and Stephanie Prost Grace
Submissions from 2021
Alcohol Consumption and Cultural Systems, Miyuki F. Tedor
Examining Trauma and Crime by Gender and Sexual Orientation among Youth: Findings from the Add Health National Longitudinal Study, Jinhee Yun, Miyuki F. Tedor, Matthias I. Quinn, Linda M. Quinn, and Christopher A. Mallett
Submissions from 2020
An Interprofessional Learning Opportunity Regarding Pain and the Opioid Epidemic, Patricia Stoddard-Dare, Kelle K. DeBoth, Madalynn Wendland, Ryan Suder, Joan Niederriter, Rebecca Bowen, Sara Dugan, and Miyuki Fukushima Tedor
Social Control Theory and Human Nature, Miyuki Fukushima Tedor and Trina Hope
Submissions from 2019
Race/ethnicity, citizenship status, and crime examined through trauma experiences among young adults in the United States, Chistopher A. Mallett, Miyuki F. Tedor, and Linda M. Quinn
Submissions from 2018
Design and Development of aWeb Application for Matching Drug Addiction Treatment Services with Substance Users, Sachin Hiriyanna, Miyuki F. Tedor, Patricia A. Stoddard Dare, and Wenbing Zhao
Submissions from 2017
The Racial Politics of Due Process Protection: Does partisanship or racial composition influence state-level adoption of recorded interrogation policies?, Jason T. Carmichael and Stephanie L. Kent
Submissions from 2015
Structural Determinants of Municipal Police Force Size in Large Cities across Canada: Assessing the applicability of ethnic threat theories in the Canadian context, Jason T. Carmichael and Stephanie L. Kent
The Use of Lethal Force by Canadian Police Officers: Assessing the Influence of Female Police Officers and Minority Threat Explanations on Police Shootings Across Large Cities, Jason T. Carmichael and Stephanie L. Kent
The Moderating Effect of Type of Deviance on the Relationships among Gender, Morality, Deviant Peers, and Deviance, Miyuki Fukushima
Legislative Responses to Wrongful Conviction: Do partisan principals and advocacy efforts influence state-level criminal justice policy?, Stephanie L. Kent and Jason T. Carmichael
The Moderating Effect of Type of Deviance on the Relationships among Gender, Morality, Deviant Peers, and Deviance, Miyuki F. Tedor
A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Disjunctive Between Aspirations and Expectations/Perceived Outcomes: Strain and Academic Deviance in the United States and Japan*, Miyuki F. Tedor, Susan F. Sharp, and Emiko Kobayashi
Submissions from 2014
Racial Residential Segregation and Social Control: A Panel Study of the Variation in Police Strength Across U.S Cities, 1980–2010, Stephanie L. Kent and Jason T. Carmichael
The Nation's Two Measures of Homicide, Wendy C. Regoeczi, Duren Banks, Michael Planty, Lynn Langton, and Margaret Warner
Race, poverty, and the traffic ticket cycle Exploring the situational context of the application of police discretion, Wendy C. Regoeczi and Stephanie L. Kent
Submissions from 2013
Beyond the Social Production of Homicide Rates: Extending Social Disorganization Theory to Explain Homicide Case Outcomes., Wendy C. Regoeczi and John P. Jarvis
Submissions from 2012
Research in Brief: Homicide Solvability, John Jarvis and Wendy C. Regoeczi
Gender, Social Bond, and Academic Cheating in Japan, Emiko Kobayashi and Miyuki Fukushima
Submissions from 2011
Relationships and Emotional Wellbeing among African American and White Advanced Cancer Caregivers, Linda E. Francis, Karen B. Bowman, George Kypriotakis, and Julia Hannum Rose
Review of Freud on Madison Avenue: Motivation Research and Subliminal Advertising in America, by Lawrence R. Samuel, Philip Manning
Socio-Environmental Factors Associated With Pubertal Development in Female Adolescents: The Role of Prepubertal Tobacco and Alcohol Use, Peck, B Mitchell Peck, Valerie J. Skaggs, Miyuki Fukushima, and Howard B. Kaplan
Religiosity, Delinquency, and the Deterrent Effects of Informal Sanctions, Andrew L. Spivak, Miyuki Fukushima, Margaret S. Kelley, and Tiffany Sanford Jenson
Submissions from 2010
Relationship Quality and Burden among Caregivers for Late-stage Cancer Patients, Linda E. Francis, Julie Worthington, George Kypriotakis, and Julia Hannum Rose
Killings of Police in U.S. Cities since 1980: An Examination of Environmental and Political Explanations, Stephanie L. Kent
Submissions from 2009
Consumer Staff and the Role of Personal Experience in Mental Health Services, Paul W. Colson and Linda E. Francis
Pregnant and Poor in the Suburb: The Experiences of Economically Disadvantaged Women of Color with Prenatal Services in a Wealthy Suburban County, Linda E. Francis, Candyce S. Berger, Marianne Giardini, Carolyn Steinman, and Karina Kim
Bond to Society, Collectivism, and Conformity: A Comparative Study of Japanese and American College Students., Miyuki Fukushima, Susan F. Sharp, and Emiko Kobayashi
The Importance of Responsivity Factors in Predicting Reductions in Antisocial Attitudes and Cognitive Distortions Among Adult Male Offenders, Dana Jones Hubbard and Jennifer Pealer
Homicides Clearances an Analysis of Arrest Versus Exceptional Outcomes, John P. Jarvis and Wendy C. Regoeczi
Deterrence Theory and the Role of Shame in Projected Offending of College Students Against a Ban on Alcohol, Margaret S. Kelley, Miyuki Fukushima, Andrew L. Spivak, and David Payne
A Quasi Experimental Evaluation of Thinking for a Change: A Real-World" Application, Christopher T. Lowenkamp, Dana Jones Hubbard, Mathew D. Makarios, and Edward J. Latessa
Submissions from 2008
Reconciling the Differences Between the “Gender-Responsive” and the “What Works” Literatures to Improve Services for Girls, Dana Jones Hubbard and Betsy Mattews
Review of My Life Among the Deathworks: Illustrations of the Aesthetics of Authority, by P. Rieff, Philip Manning
Moving Ahead: Five Essential Elements for Working Effectively With Girls, Betsy Mattews and Dana Jones Hubbard
The Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations: an Exploratory Method for Discrete Multivariate Analyses of Crime Data, Terance D. Miethe, Timothy C. Hart, and Wendy C. Regoeczi
Crowding in Context: An Examination of the Differential Responses of Men and Women to High-Density Living Environments, Wendy C. Regoeczi
Clearing Murders: Is It about Time?, Wendy C. Regoeczi, John P. Jarvis, and Marc Riedel
Air pollution, economic development of communities, and health status among the elderly in urban China., Rongjun Sun and Danan Gu
The More Engagement, the Better? A Study of Mortality of the Oldest Old in China, Rongjun Sun and Yuzhi Liu
Submissions from 2007
Impact of Employment, Family Structure, and Income on NIBRS Offense, Victim, Offender, and Arrest Rates, Roland Chilton and Wendy C. Regoeczi
The Functions of the Social Bond, James J. Chriss
Emotions and Health, Linda E. Francis
Who Survives on Death Row? An Individual and Contextual Analysis, David Jacobs, Jason T. Carmichael, Zhenchao Qian, and Stephanie L. Kent
The Determinants of Executions Since 1951: How Politics, Protests, Public Opinion, and Social Divisions Shape Capital Punishment, David Jacobs and Stephanie L. Kent
Murder Clearance Rates: Guest Editors' Introduction, John P. Jarvis and Wendy C. Regoeczi
Submissions from 2006
Review of One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Philip Manning
Incidence of Four-Generation Family Lineages: Is Timing of Fertility or Mortality a Better Explanation?, Sarah H. Matthews and Rongjun Sun
Assessment of Pneumonia in Older Adults: Effect of Functional Status, Lona Mody, Rongjun Sun, and Suzanne F. Bradley
A Case-by-Case Comparison of the Classification of Law Enforcement and Vital Statistics Data on Homicide, Marc Riedel and Wendy C. Regoeczi
Financial Consequences of Rural Hospital Long-Term Care Strategies, Bruce Stuart, Mary Fennell, Rongjun Sun, and Susan E. Campbell
Mortality of the Oldest Old in China, Rongjun Sun and Yuzhi Liu
Submissions from 2005
Minority Threat And Police Strength From 1980 To 2000: A Fixed-Effects Analysis Of Nonlinear And Interactive Effects In Large U.S. Cities, Stephanie L. Kent and David Jacobs
Reinvigorating the Tradition of Symbolic Interactionism, Philip Manning
Crafting Qualitative Research Articles on Marriages and Families, Sarah H. Matthews
Diversity and Structure of Intergenerational Relationships: Elderly Parent–Adult Child Relations in Korea, Keong-Suk Park, Voonchin Phua, James McNally, and Rongjun Sun
Social vs. Self-Directed Events among Japanese and Americans, Herman W. Smith and Linda E. Francis
Submissions from 2004
The Perils of Risk Assessment, James J. Chriss
Social Divisions and Coercive Control in Advanced Societies: Law Enforcement Strength in Eleven Nations from 1975 to 1994., Stephanie L. Kent and David Jacobs
Review of Marching on Washington: The Forging of an American Political Tradition., Robert Kleidman
Missing Data in Homicide Research, Marc Riedel and Wendy C. Regoeczi
Worry about Medical Care, Family Support, and Depression of the Elders in Urban China, Rongjun Sun
Submissions from 2003
Feeling Good, Feeling Well: Identity, Emotion, and Health, Linda E. Francis
Editorial Introduction: Theory and Method in Symbolic Interactionism, Philip Manning and David R. Maines
Review of Disciplining Feminism: from Social Activism to Academic Discourse, by E. Messer-Davidow, Sarah H. Matthews
Introduction of a Waterless Alcohol-based Hand Rub in a Long-term Care Facility, Lona Mody, McNeil A. Shelly, Rongjun Sun, Bradley Suzanne, and Carol A. Kauffman
When Context Matters: A Multilevel Analysis of Household and, Wendy C. Regoeczi
Taking on the Unknown: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Unknown Relationship Homicides, Wendy C. Regoeczi and Terance D. Miethe
The Application of Missing Data Estimation Models to the Problem of Unknown Victim/Offender Relationships in Homicide Cases., Wendy C. Regoeczi and Marc Riedel
Grandmothers, Formal Care, and Educational Advantage in China, Susan Short and Rongjun Sun
Submissions from 2002
Book Review: Bogen on Social Theory, Rules, and Order, James Chriss
Gouldner's tragic vision, James Chriss
Review of Order Without Rules: Critical Theory and the Logic of Conversation, James J. Chriss
Ethics in Community Mental Health Care: Beneficence vs. Obligation: Challenges of the Americans with Disabilities Act for Consumer Employment in Mental Health Services, Linda E. Francis, Paul W. Colson, and Pamela Mizzi
Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Older Veterans: Does the Pneumonia Prognosis Index Help?, Lona Mody, Rongjun Sun, and Suzanne Bradley
The Impact of Density: The Importance of Nonlinearity and Selection on Flight and Fight Responses, Wendy C. Regoeczi
Old Age Support in Contemporary Urban China from Both Parents’ and Children’s Perspectives, Rongjun Sun
Submissions from 2001
Alvin W. Gouldner and Industrial Sociology at Columbia University, James Chriss
Review of An Invitation to Social Construction, Philip Manning
Review of An Invitation to Social Construction, Philip Manning
Review of Sidewalk, by Mitchell Duneier, Philip Manning
Exploring Racial Variations in the Spousal Sex Ratio of Killing, Wendy C. Regoeczi
Submissions from 2000
Conflicting Bureaucracies, Conflicted Work: Dilemmas in Case Management for Homeless People with Mental Illness, Linda E. Francis
Sexual and Fertility Behaviors of American Females Aged 15–19 Years: 1985, 1990, and 1995, Dennis P. Hogan, Rongjun Sun, and Gretchen T. Cornwell
Credibility, Agency, and the Interaction Order, Philip Manning
Review of Workers in a Lean World: Unions in the International Economy/Illusions of Opportunity: Employees Expectations and Workplace Inequality, Peter F. Meiksins
Adolescent Violent Victimization and Offending: Assessing the Extent of the Link, Wendy C. Regoeczi
Uncleared Homicides: A Canada/United States Comparison, Wendy C. Regoeczi, Leslie W. Kennedy, and Robert A. Silverman
Submissions from 1999
A Laughing Matter? The Uses of Humor in Medical Interactions, Linda E. Francis, Kathleen Monahan, and Candyce S. Berger
Review of Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities. Mobilizing Structure, and Cultural Framings (Book), Robert Kleidman
The Impact of Neighborhoods, Schools, and Malls on the Spatial Distribution of Property Damage, Teresa C. Lagrange
Low Self-Control and Opportunity: Testing the General Theory of Crime as an Explanation for Gender Differences in Delinquency, Teresa C. Lagrange and Robert A. Silverman
Submissions from 1998
Deterrence, Brutalization, and the Death Penalty: Another Examination of Oklahoma's Return to Capital Punishment, William C. Bailey
Review essay of Jurgen Habermas’s Between Facts and Norms, James J. Chriss
Submissions from 1997
Ideology and Interpersonal Emotion Management: Redefining Identify in Two Support Groups, Linda E. Francis
Review of The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture and Deviance at NASA, Peter F. Meiksins