EngagedScholarship@CSU - Digital CSU: Digital Drop-In

Event Title

Digital Drop-In


MC 420: Active Learning Classroom

Start Date

26-1-2017 11:30 AM

End Date

26-1-2017 1:00 PM


Topic: Digital Drop-in: CSU Faculty & Staff will be available to talk one-on-one about their expertise in various digital methods for teaching & research. Drop in when you can & talk tech with your colleagues! Presenters: We are seeking participants with expertise in various digital methods & platforms. (such as Google Apps, Zotero, Omeka, WordPress). Please fill out the form on this page or email the conveners if you are interested in participating as an expert

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Jan 26th, 11:30 AM Jan 26th, 1:00 PM

Digital Drop-In

MC 420: Active Learning Classroom

Topic: Digital Drop-in: CSU Faculty & Staff will be available to talk one-on-one about their expertise in various digital methods for teaching & research. Drop in when you can & talk tech with your colleagues! Presenters: We are seeking participants with expertise in various digital methods & platforms. (such as Google Apps, Zotero, Omeka, WordPress). Please fill out the form on this page or email the conveners if you are interested in participating as an expert