EngagedScholarship@CSU - Digital CSU: Citation Managers 101: RefWorks and Zotero


MC 420: Active Learning Classroom

Start Date

23-2-2017 11:30 AM

End Date

23-2-2017 1:00 PM


Workshop on Zotero and Refworks by Mandi Goodsett, Performing Arts and Humanities Librarian.

Refreshments will be available in MC 429 for networking and further discussion until 1 pm. Even if you are unable to attend, we hope that you will encourage students to come and learn about the citation managers.


Feb 23rd, 11:30 AM Feb 23rd, 1:00 PM

Citation Managers 101: RefWorks and Zotero

MC 420: Active Learning Classroom

Workshop on Zotero and Refworks by Mandi Goodsett, Performing Arts and Humanities Librarian.

Refreshments will be available in MC 429 for networking and further discussion until 1 pm. Even if you are unable to attend, we hope that you will encourage students to come and learn about the citation managers.