EngagedScholarship@CSU - Digital CSU: Digital CSU Fall Student Showcase


Berkman Hall (Formerly Main Classroom) Atrium, First Floor

Start Date

26-11-2019 11:30 AM

End Date

26-11-2019 1:00 PM


The Digital CSU Student Showcase is just a couple of weeks away and we are looking for student participants who are eager to show off their digital projects!

If your students have done any digital writing or digital research projects this semester, we would love to host them and give them space to share their work. Both finished projects and those still in process are welcome.

The Digital CSU Student Showcase is a poster session where students share their digital work with fellow students, faculty, and staff. The event will take place in the Berkman Hall Atrium on November 26, from 11:30 - 1:00. Light refreshments will be provided by the Michael Schwartz Library.

There is limited space at the event (36 seats), so registration is required.

Students must register and choose a 30 minute time slot; however, the slots will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. Student participants should be prepared to share their projects digitally, which requires that each participant brings the necessary equipment (e.g. laptop, power cords, headphones, speakers, etc.). Participants are encouraged to provide supplemental materials such as handouts about their design process, research methods, or other relevant documents; however, this is not required.

Student Showcase Details

Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Time: 11:30 - 1:00

Place: Berkman Hall Atrium (1st Floor)

How Students Can Sign Up

If you have students who are interested in participating, please forward this message or the attached flyer. Students can register here.

If you know of others who are doing digital projects this semester, please share this with them, too! The more students, the merrier!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Melanie Gagich at m.gagich@csuohio.edu.

The flier can be downloaded by clicking the blue download button at the top right of this posting.


Nov 26th, 11:30 AM Nov 26th, 1:00 PM

Digital CSU Fall Student Showcase

Berkman Hall (Formerly Main Classroom) Atrium, First Floor

The Digital CSU Student Showcase is just a couple of weeks away and we are looking for student participants who are eager to show off their digital projects!

If your students have done any digital writing or digital research projects this semester, we would love to host them and give them space to share their work. Both finished projects and those still in process are welcome.

The Digital CSU Student Showcase is a poster session where students share their digital work with fellow students, faculty, and staff. The event will take place in the Berkman Hall Atrium on November 26, from 11:30 - 1:00. Light refreshments will be provided by the Michael Schwartz Library.

There is limited space at the event (36 seats), so registration is required.

Students must register and choose a 30 minute time slot; however, the slots will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. Student participants should be prepared to share their projects digitally, which requires that each participant brings the necessary equipment (e.g. laptop, power cords, headphones, speakers, etc.). Participants are encouraged to provide supplemental materials such as handouts about their design process, research methods, or other relevant documents; however, this is not required.

Student Showcase Details

Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Time: 11:30 - 1:00

Place: Berkman Hall Atrium (1st Floor)

How Students Can Sign Up

If you have students who are interested in participating, please forward this message or the attached flyer. Students can register here.

If you know of others who are doing digital projects this semester, please share this with them, too! The more students, the merrier!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Melanie Gagich at m.gagich@csuohio.edu.

The flier can be downloaded by clicking the blue download button at the top right of this posting.