EngagedScholarship@CSU - Digital CSU: Digital CSU Presents: Wiki Education with Special Guest Helaine Blumenthal (in partnership with Center for Faculty Excellence)

Event Title

Digital CSU Presents: Wiki Education with Special Guest Helaine Blumenthal (in partnership with Center for Faculty Excellence)

Presenter Information

Helaine Blumenthal, Wiki Education


CSU Michael Schwartz Library, RT 401

Start Date

25-2-2020 11:30 AM

End Date

25-2-2020 12:30 PM


Helaine Blumenthal, Wikipedia Student Program Manager for WikiEducation, will join us remotely to discuss student contributions to Wikipedia as a teaching tool. She will provide an overview of how her organization facilitates Wikipedia use in the classroom and provide practical tips for getting started.

Registration closes 02/21/2020 at noon

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Feb 25th, 11:30 AM Feb 25th, 12:30 PM

Digital CSU Presents: Wiki Education with Special Guest Helaine Blumenthal (in partnership with Center for Faculty Excellence)

CSU Michael Schwartz Library, RT 401

Helaine Blumenthal, Wikipedia Student Program Manager for WikiEducation, will join us remotely to discuss student contributions to Wikipedia as a teaching tool. She will provide an overview of how her organization facilitates Wikipedia use in the classroom and provide practical tips for getting started.

Registration closes 02/21/2020 at noon