Engineering Technology Faculty Publications | Engineering Technology Department | Cleveland State University


Submissions from 2018


Context-Aware Latency Reduction Protocol for Secure Encryption and Decryption, Muder Almiani, Abdul Razaque, Toufik Aidja, and Ayman Al-Dmour

Submissions from 2004


Featuring Robotics in a Senior Design Capstone Course, Harry W. Fox

Submissions from 2002


Toward Intelligent PMAD Systems, John R. Zeller, Zhiqiang Gao, and Robert Button

Submissions from 2001


Nonlinear Digital Control Implementation for a DC-to-DC Power Converter, Jack Zeller, Minshao Zhu, Tom Stimac, and Zhiqiang Gao

Submissions from 2000


Design and Implementation of a Digital Controller for DC-to-DC Power Converters, John Sustersic, John R. Zeller, Zhiqiang Gao, and Robert Button

Submissions from 1991


Mixed Convection to Power-Law Type Non-Newtonian Fluids from a Vertical Wall, Ioan Pop, Majid Rashidi, and Rama S. R. Gorla

Submissions from 1984

On the Multilevel Concentrator Location Problem for Local Access Networks, Vijaya K. Konangi, Toufik Aidja, and C. R. Dhas