EngagedScholarship@CSU - Migration in Global Context Symposium: Keynote Introduction

Event Title

Keynote Introduction

Presenter Biography

Dr. Limbach is an Adjunct Professor of History at the University of Rochester. He received his PhD from Michigan State University and his 2011 dissertation is titled "Unsettled Germans: The Reception and Resettlement of East German Refugees in West Germany, 1949-1961." A Shaker Heights native, Limbach received his MA in history and BA in History and Music from Ohio University. He recently published an article "Provisional State, Reluctant Institutions: West Berlin's Refugee Service and Refugee Commissions, 1949-1952" in the Central European History in 2014.


Student Center Ballroom, Cleveland State University

Event Website


Event Type


Start Date

15-4-2016 1:30 PM

End Date

15-4-2016 1:35 PM


Dr. Limbach will introduce Dr. Tiffany Trimmer, the keynote speaker.

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Apr 15th, 1:30 PM Apr 15th, 1:35 PM

Keynote Introduction

Student Center Ballroom, Cleveland State University

Dr. Limbach will introduce Dr. Tiffany Trimmer, the keynote speaker.
