EngagedScholarship@CSU - Migration in Global Context Symposium: The life of the factory? or the life of the farm? That is the question.

Presenter Biography

BIO: Bethany Lutwin is an ELA middle school teacher on Cleveland’s west side. Originally from Syracuse, NY she has taught in Cleveland for 18 years and has a passion for sharing books with her students. Many of the books she teaches become lifelong favorites of her students. BIO: Adam McElwain is an eighth grade American History teacher in his 22nd year at Medina City Schools. I enjoy building PBL units that are formatively and summatively based using targets and an essential question. My passion is teaching history, the Constitution, economics and about the National Parks system.


Student Center Ballroom, Cleveland State University

Event Type


Start Date

15-4-2016 11:01 AM

End Date

15-4-2016 11:30 AM


Abstract: The focus of this lesson on Global Migration is the emotion behind young women’s decision to leave for the city and work in the factory, or stay in their hometown. Both have an opportunity cost for a life that may be better. The essential question is “Is it better to be a factory girl who has emigrated to the city or a country girl living and working on a farm?” Students will examine the motivation behind leaving the country for a factory job in the city or staying behind and working in a rural setting like a farm. They will use music analysis from the all women Internationally acclaimed bluegrass band Della Mae, text research, journals, graphic organizers, Ted Ed of Julia? Chang and the book “Factory girls” and discuss the pros and cons to a young girl’s difficult decision. Students will also explore the perspectives of the factory system from that of the laborer (girl) and that of the owner. In one last twist to this study of labor and migration, students will compare and contrast the life of a factory girl in the U.S. late 1830’s to that of the Chinese factory girl in 2015. Students will explore and discuss the challenges of both time periods and the effects of the decisions made to migrate or not.


Apr 15th, 11:01 AM Apr 15th, 11:30 AM

The life of the factory? or the life of the farm? That is the question.

Student Center Ballroom, Cleveland State University

Abstract: The focus of this lesson on Global Migration is the emotion behind young women’s decision to leave for the city and work in the factory, or stay in their hometown. Both have an opportunity cost for a life that may be better. The essential question is “Is it better to be a factory girl who has emigrated to the city or a country girl living and working on a farm?” Students will examine the motivation behind leaving the country for a factory job in the city or staying behind and working in a rural setting like a farm. They will use music analysis from the all women Internationally acclaimed bluegrass band Della Mae, text research, journals, graphic organizers, Ted Ed of Julia? Chang and the book “Factory girls” and discuss the pros and cons to a young girl’s difficult decision. Students will also explore the perspectives of the factory system from that of the laborer (girl) and that of the owner. In one last twist to this study of labor and migration, students will compare and contrast the life of a factory girl in the U.S. late 1830’s to that of the Chinese factory girl in 2015. Students will explore and discuss the challenges of both time periods and the effects of the decisions made to migrate or not.