EngagedScholarship@CSU - Migration in Global Context Symposium: Migration and Change

Event Title

Migration and Change

Presenter Biography

Chris Wise teaches honors English and creative writing at Lake High School in Uniontown, Ohio. His interest in local history and migration began when he had the chance to contribute to a book project called Rust Belt Chic: The Cleveland Anthology (2012, Belt Press). He lives in Canton, Ohio.


Cleveland State Universtity, SC Ballroom

Event Website


Event Type


Start Date

15-4-2016 2:30 PM

End Date

15-4-2016 4:00 PM


This poster depicts a critical and historical thinking activity for high school students on the topic of change and migration in their own families and local community. Students designed and displayed various pictures and artifacts regarding family and local migration and change in a room, and then conducted a gallery walk, analyzing any three works, recognizing connective themes, patterns, and other insights. This activity is meant to begin to connect student learning opportunities to multiple disciplines (in this case English Language Arts and History) and to encourage collaboration with teachers across the curriculum.

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Apr 15th, 2:30 PM Apr 15th, 4:00 PM

Migration and Change

Cleveland State Universtity, SC Ballroom

This poster depicts a critical and historical thinking activity for high school students on the topic of change and migration in their own families and local community. Students designed and displayed various pictures and artifacts regarding family and local migration and change in a room, and then conducted a gallery walk, analyzing any three works, recognizing connective themes, patterns, and other insights. This activity is meant to begin to connect student learning opportunities to multiple disciplines (in this case English Language Arts and History) and to encourage collaboration with teachers across the curriculum.
