EngagedScholarship@CSU - Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference 2014: Housing Discrimination against Battered Women: Comparing Non-Urban and Urban Locations


Fenn Tower Ballroom

Presentation Type

Poster Session

Start Date

4-11-2014 4:00 PM

End Date

4-11-2014 4:50 PM


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a problem that affects millions of women. Its victims often face challenges when attempting to leave their abuser and locate safe housing. Our study found landlords in non-urban areas were significantly more likely to indicate a rental unit was not available if the caller revealed she was currently residing at a battered women’s shelter compared to landlords in urban areas. This suggests a need to elucidate why more landlords in non-urban areas are declining housing to victims, and points to the necessity of increasing housing availability and advocating for victims of abuse who encounter discrimination.


Apr 11th, 4:00 PM Apr 11th, 4:50 PM

Housing Discrimination against Battered Women: Comparing Non-Urban and Urban Locations

Fenn Tower Ballroom

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a problem that affects millions of women. Its victims often face challenges when attempting to leave their abuser and locate safe housing. Our study found landlords in non-urban areas were significantly more likely to indicate a rental unit was not available if the caller revealed she was currently residing at a battered women’s shelter compared to landlords in urban areas. This suggests a need to elucidate why more landlords in non-urban areas are declining housing to victims, and points to the necessity of increasing housing availability and advocating for victims of abuse who encounter discrimination.