EngagedScholarship@CSU - Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference 2014: Examining the Relationship Between Gender Norm Conformity, Relationship Maintenance Behaviors, and Relationship Satisfaction

Presentation Title

Examining the Relationship Between Gender Norm Conformity, Relationship Maintenance Behaviors, and Relationship Satisfaction


Fenn Tower Ballroom

Presentation Type

Poster Session

Start Date

4-11-2014 4:00 PM

End Date

4-11-2014 4:50 PM


Romantic relationship satisfaction is associated with positive outcomes for individuals and couples (Braithwaite et al., 2010; Le et al., 2010) and clients often present with relationship dissatisfaction. Thus, understanding relationship satisfaction is important for psychologists. This study examines predictors of relationship satisfaction, including relationship maintenance behaviors, gender norm conformity, and congruence between partners’ gender norm conformity. Revised and updated measures of gender norm conformity make this study timely (Parent & Moradi, 2009; 2010). Finally, a potential interaction between gender, gender norm conformity and relationship maintenance behaviors will be explored. Results will be discussed, including implications for future practice and research.


Apr 11th, 4:00 PM Apr 11th, 4:50 PM

Examining the Relationship Between Gender Norm Conformity, Relationship Maintenance Behaviors, and Relationship Satisfaction

Fenn Tower Ballroom

Romantic relationship satisfaction is associated with positive outcomes for individuals and couples (Braithwaite et al., 2010; Le et al., 2010) and clients often present with relationship dissatisfaction. Thus, understanding relationship satisfaction is important for psychologists. This study examines predictors of relationship satisfaction, including relationship maintenance behaviors, gender norm conformity, and congruence between partners’ gender norm conformity. Revised and updated measures of gender norm conformity make this study timely (Parent & Moradi, 2009; 2010). Finally, a potential interaction between gender, gender norm conformity and relationship maintenance behaviors will be explored. Results will be discussed, including implications for future practice and research.