"Finding Combinations of Objects Within Categories Using Edges Software" by Erin M. Thorpe, Ehab Rizek et al.

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Edges Software can be used to find the combinations of any objects within different categories. A combination is an arrangement of objects where order does not matter. The original intent of this software was to provide the combinations of proteins within different pathways to aid in building a protein-(target)-protein network where protein nodes are connected to each other through their common pathway edges. This software can analyze tens of thousands of rows of excel data in just a few minutes and provide an excel output that contains all the combinations of objects within the different categories. This output can then be entered into other software for visualization.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

File Size

32-bit: 155 KB
64-bit: 154 KB
Protocol (PDF): 837 KB
Protocol (Word): 1.3 MB


Data for the software is located at:


© 2022 Erin Thorpe and Ehab Rizek

The copyright holders have granted permission to post the software here.

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Chemistry Commons
