Submissions from 2000
Logistic Regression Analysis: When the Odds Ratio Does Not Work: An Example Using Intimate Partner Violence Data, Louise-Anne McNutt, John P. Holcomb, and Bonnie E. Carlson
Guidelines for Monitoring of NSAIDS Who Listened?, Ralph J. Rothenberg and John P. Holcomb
An Efficient High Order Algorithm for Solving Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Wenyuan Liao, Lilun Cao, Jianping Zhu, and Abdul Q. M. Khaliq
Spline Bottles, Thaddeus Tarpey and John P. Holcomb
Rates of Convergence of Adaptive Step-Size of Stochastic Approximation Algorithms, Sally S. L. Shao and Percy P. C. Yip
Consumer Preferences for Seasoned Lean Ground Beef, Turkey, and Emu, David H. Holben and John P. Holcomb
Using a Term-Long Project Sequence in Introductory Statistics, John P. Holcomb and Rochelle L. Ruffer
An Efficient Computational Method for Simulations of Reaction-Diffusion Processes, Lilun Cao, Jianping Zhu, and Pasquale Cinnella
A Novel Adaptive Algorithm with Optimum Rates of Convergence, Sally S. L. Shao and Percy P. C. Yip
Submissions from 1999
Regression with Covariates and Outcome Calculated from a Common Set of Variables Measured with Error: Estimation Using the SIMEX Method, John P. Holcomb
Characterization Theorems when Variables Are Measured with Error, John P. Holcomb
A Multi-Scale Algorithm for Solving Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Lilun Cao, Jianping Zhu, and Pasquale Cinnella
On Building a Parallel Version of a “Real Gas” Flow Solver, Ricolindo L. Cariño, C. Cox, Jianping Zhu, and P. Cinnella
Identifying and Developing Mathematically Promising Students Through Honors Calculus and the University Scholars Program, John Douglas Faires, John P. Holcomb, and Nathan Paul Ritchey
A Scalable Parallel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Solving Time Dependent Partial Differential Equations, Wilson Rivera and Jianping Zhu
Submissions from 1998
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Alkaline Phosphatase Values of Elderly Subjects, Joan L. Boyd, Maria E. Delost, and John P. Holcomb
Accurate Local Time Stepping Algorithms for Solving Partial Differential Equations, Lilun Cao and Jianping Zhu
Efficient and Accurate Local Time Stepping Algorithms for Multi-Rate Problems, Lilun Cao and Jianping Zhu
On an Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Time Dependent Partial Differential Equations, H. Qian and Jianping Zhu
A Self-adaptive Time Integration Algorithm for Solving Partial Differential Equations, Wanxie Zhong, Xinglai Zhuang, and Jianping Zhu
An Efficient Numerical Algorithm with Adaptive Regularization for Parameter Estimations, Xinglai Zhuang and Jianping Zhu
On the Parallelization of CH3D, Jianping Zhu, Billy H. Johnson, P. Banglore, D. H. Huddleston, and A. Skjellum
Submissions from 1997
An Asymptotic-Domain Decomposition Method for a Time-Dependent Singularly Perturbed System, Sally S. L. Shao and R. C.Y. Chin
Submissions from 1996
On a New Fourth-order Self-adaptive Time Integration Algorithm, Wanxie Zhong and Jianping Zhu
An Asymptotic-Numerical Method for a Time-Dependent Singularly Perturbed System with Turning Points, Sally S. L. Shao and R. C.Y. Chin
On a New Time Integration Method for Solving Time Dependent Partial Differential Equations, Wanxie Zhong, Jianping Zhu, and Xiangxiang Zhong
Performance Prediction: A Case Study Using a Scalable Shared-Virtual Memory Machine, Xianhe Sun and Jianping Zhu
Precise Time Integration for the Matrix Riccati Equation, W. Zhong and Jianping Zhu
Numerical Algorithms for Parameter Estimation, X. Zhuang and Jianping Zhu
History Matching of Multiphase Reservoir Models on Hypercubes, Jianping Zhu
Multiphase Flow Simulation and Distributed Computing, Jianping Zhu
Submissions from 1995
Performance Considerations of Shared Virtual Memory Machines, Xianhe Sun and Jianping Zhu
Rethinking of the Finite Difference Time-Step Integrations, Wanxie Zhong and Jianping Zhu
Performance Prediction of Scalable Computing: a Case Study, Xian-He Sun and Jianping Zhu
Submissions from 1994
Computation of Gyroscopic Systems and Symplectic Eigenproblems of Skew-symmetric Matrices, Wanxie Zhong, J. Lin, and Jianping Zhu
On S-shaped Bifurcation Curves for Multi-parameter Positone Problems, V. Anuradha, R. Shivaji, and Jianping Zhu
Simulating Multiphase Flow in Porous Media on KSR-1 Parallel Computers, Jianping Zhu
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Model Problems for a Coupled System, S. Shao
Boundary and Interior Layer Behavior in a Time-dependent Singularly Perturbed System, S. Shao
Shared Virtual Memory and Generalized Speedup, Xian-He Sun and Jianping Zhu
Parallelizing a Reservoir Simulator Using MPI, Xinglai Zhuang and Jianping Zhu
Submissions from 1993
QR Factorization for The Regularized Least Squares Problem on Hypercubes, Jianping Zhu
State Vector Method and Symplectic Eigensolutions of Gyroscopic Systems, Wanxie Zhong, Jianping Zhu, and J. Lin
Submissions from 1992
Multilevel Grid Method for History Matching Multi-dimensional Multi-phase Reservoir Models, Jianping Zhu and Yung Ming Chen
History Matching for Multiphase Reservoir Models on Shared Memory Supercomputers, Jianping Zhu and Yung Ming Chen
Parameter Estimation for Multiphase Reservoir Models on Hypercubes, Jianping Zhu and Yung Ming Chen
A Parallel Time Stepping Algorithm on Intel iPSC/860 Hypercubes, Jianping Zhu
Householder Transformation for the Regularized Least Square Problem on iPSC/860, Jianping Zhu
History Matching Multiphase Multi-dimensional Oil Reservoir Models on IBM Supercomputers, Jianping Zhu and Yung Ming Chen
On the Application of Supercomputers for History Matching Multiphase Oil Reservoir Models, Jianping Zhu and Yung Ming Chen
Submissions from 1991
Refined Approximations of the Solutions of a Coupled System with Turning Points, W. A. Harris and S. Shao
Oil Reservoir Simulations on Hypercubes, Jianping Zhu
Submissions from 1990
An Efficient FFT Algorithm on Multiprocessors with Distributed Memory, Jianping Zhu
Submissions from 1989
GPST Inversion Algorithm for History Matching in 3-D 2-phase Simulators, Yung Ming Chen and Jianping Zhu
Asymptotic Analysis of Model Problems for a Coupled System, F. A. Howes and S. Shao
Submissions from 1984
Implementation of Program DDJ-W on CROMEMCO Computers, D. Ding and Jianping Zhu