EngagedScholarship@CSU - Undergraduate Education in the 21st Century: Getting There (“Point A to Point B”)

Presentation Title

Getting There (“Point A to Point B”)

Presenter Information

Paul L. Gaston III

Author Biography

Paul L. Gaston, III, Trustees Professor at Kent State University, teaches English literature and higher education administration. An influential author and frequent speaker on higher education and curricular reform, he is the author of three recent works on general education: General Education Transformed: How We Can, Why We Must (2015), General Education and Liberal Learning (2010), and, with Jerry Gaff, Revising General Education (2009). His two other recent books are Higher Education Accreditation: How It’s Changing, Why It Must (2013) and The Challenge of Bologna (2010). He is one of four authors of the influential Degree Qualifications Profile. Recent articles consider subjects such as early rock ‘n’ roll, the Italian novel, computer dominated futures trading, accreditation reform, European higher education reform, George Herbert and the British hymn tradition, and the future of the book. He earned the M.A. and the Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, where he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow.


Cleveland State University, Mather Mansion, 2605 Euclid Avenue 44115-2454

Start Date

20-4-2016 9:10 AM

End Date

20-4-2016 9:55 AM


We now understand more clearly than ever before the characteristics of effective general education. The question is how we move from where we are to an environment in which most students in most institutions experience those characteristics. What are the prompts for change? What are the impediments? What will it take?

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COinS Paul L. Gaston III
Apr 20th, 9:10 AM Apr 20th, 9:55 AM

Getting There (“Point A to Point B”)

Cleveland State University, Mather Mansion, 2605 Euclid Avenue 44115-2454

We now understand more clearly than ever before the characteristics of effective general education. The question is how we move from where we are to an environment in which most students in most institutions experience those characteristics. What are the prompts for change? What are the impediments? What will it take?