The Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection consists of audio interviews collected since 2002. Students, faculty, public school teachers and researchers from throughout Northeast Ohio have contributed to the collection, which covers a breadth of topics in Cleveland and regional history.
Notable series in the collection include interviews on Shaker Heights, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, the Cleveland Cultural Gardens, the City Club of Cleveland, Midtown Cleveland, University Circle Incorporated, Cleveland Artists Foundation, and the Cleveland chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Additional interviews cover a wide variety of topics in Cleveland history, including neighborhood and institutional history, and political, social, educational and environmental history.
More materials from the Cleveland Regional Oral History Project will be published in the near future. For access to unpublished materials, contact the Department of History at Cleveland State University or visit for related news and additional information.
Content in this collection is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.
Browse the Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection:
American Institute of Architects
Cleveland German-American Oral History Project
Constructing, Consuming, and Conserving America: Cuyahoga Valley
Each in Their Own Voice: African American Artists in Cleveland, 1970-2005
Fairfax and Glenville (USRA 2014)
History 311: Introduction to Public History
International Women’s Air and Space Museum (IWASM)
Japanese American Citizens League
Near West Side Community Activism
Prosperity Social Club 10 Year Anniversary Event
Racial Integration in the Heights (USRA 2013)
Rivers, Roads, and Rails: West Creek and Cuyahoga River