EngagedScholarship@CSU - Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference 2014: Initial Construction of Scale of White Racial Socialization


Fenn Tower Ballroom

Presentation Type

Poster Session

Start Date

4-12-2014 3:30 PM

End Date

4-12-2014 4:20 PM


Racial socialization has been increasingly researched due to mounting interest in multiculturalism within counseling psychology. Initially created for African Americans, scales to measure racial socialization have also been created for Native Americans, Latinos, Asians and immigrants. with no scales to measure White racial socialization. Since racialized communications and encounters include Whites, then it follows that Whites would be socialized to recognize race, assigning valence and meaning to race. The goal of this study was to initially construct and determine the factor structure of a measure of White racial socialization. A five factor structure was noted with one factor being the 18 item Scale of White Racial Socialization (α = .92).


Apr 12th, 3:30 PM Apr 12th, 4:20 PM

Initial Construction of Scale of White Racial Socialization

Fenn Tower Ballroom

Racial socialization has been increasingly researched due to mounting interest in multiculturalism within counseling psychology. Initially created for African Americans, scales to measure racial socialization have also been created for Native Americans, Latinos, Asians and immigrants. with no scales to measure White racial socialization. Since racialized communications and encounters include Whites, then it follows that Whites would be socialized to recognize race, assigning valence and meaning to race. The goal of this study was to initially construct and determine the factor structure of a measure of White racial socialization. A five factor structure was noted with one factor being the 18 item Scale of White Racial Socialization (α = .92).